Saturday, November 17, 2012

Giving Thanks - Days 16-17

Day 16 - I'm thankful for such light traffic over the past two days.  It must be due to the start of hunting season and less people headed to work, because I have gotten to work and back home in record time.  If only it was like that on a daily basis...ahhh...  Okay, enough dreaming!

Day 17 - I'm thankful for an easy, uneventful trip to the grocery store today.  I know that sounds silly, but since Troy is up north hunting, I took the boys shopping with me today.  Yes, I've done that in the past, but never to buy so much.  Not only our normal food for the week, but all the goodies for Thanksgiving that we are hosting, too.  Luckily the store wasn't too busy and the boys were awesome, so we got in and out in an hour, without bribing them with a treat or having to move the cart so fast that they wouldn't have a chance to try to shimmy themselves out of the buckled seat.  This very proud mama rewarded them after their nap with a trip to Boogie Babies until dinner, and they loved it!

1 comment:

gramm said...

I'm so glad that the boys were sooooo good for Mommy while grocery shopping. And the fact that you were in and out in a hour.