Friday, November 30, 2012

Giving Thanks - Day 28-30

In no particular order, I'd like to finish the month by being thankful for:
  • The good health of my family and I - my immediate and extended family.  
  • Having a job.  Everyone knows that finding a job these days isn't easy and as much as I've heard, ever since I was in college, that there are so many teaching jobs out there, truth be told - that just isn't true.  So, although I have those days when I wish I didn't have to work, I'm very thankful to have the job I have.
  • Having the happiest babies ever - okay, maybe at 20 months old, they aren't "babies" anymore, but they still are my little babies.  Regardless of how my day goes at work, I know that the minute I see my boys, all is good.  They are such happy babies that I can't help but smile when I see them.  And, its so easy to get them to crack up.  Hearing their contagious laughs are the moments I look forward too - especially after a long week of work!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Giving Thanks - Day 27

Today I'm thankful for a roof over my family's head and heat to keep us warm.  We have barely been exposed to the cold weather this season, but after just these past few days, I can't imagine what it would be like to be without heat or heaven forbid homeless.  Now, I didn't say I'm overly happy with the huge heating bills that are in our near future, but I'm thankful we are able to pay those bills and live in a warm house this winter.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Giving Thanks - Day 26

Today, although rather silly perhaps, I am thankful that Troy and I can literally be thinking the same thing without knowing it.  How crazy is it that on random occasions, I can be thinking one thing and he is literally voicing that same thought out loud to me??!  How cool!  =)  Without going into details, the past few nights have been a bit off for us.  Nothing wrong necessarily, but we have both been in a little funk.  Well tonight, after dinner I told Troy that I thought we should have an ice cream "date" after the kids went to bed and he looked at me and said he was thinking the same thing.  Strange - we haven't done this in over a month, yet were both thinking of it on the same night.  So, twist my arm, Cold Stone it was.  Enjoying ice cream with my love after we both had long days on our first day back to work after a nice, long weekend, was a great way to end the day!!  

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Giving Thanks - Day 25 (and a video)

Today I am thankful for having the time this weekend to get my Christmas cards done.  Yes, you read that correctly.  It is officially one month until Christmas and my cards are already finished!  Usually my sister, mom and I get together to make our cards, but this year we have a few other things we are getting together for, that are Christmas related so we did cards on our own.  So excited to have that off my checklist!

And, here is a short video of the kids before their nap today.  Yes, they are a little wound up - but it actually doesn't take them long to fall asleep at all.  This is a common occurrence in their cribs lately, so although it we are egging them on, its just for the sake of getting the video!

Now you know why we suggested getting them a small trampoline for Christmas!

Happy Sunday - stay warm!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Giving Thanks - Day 23-24

Day 23 - I am thankful to live in a city that has fun, free holiday activities.  Today I signed us up for the Polar Express Celebration at the Rochester Hills Public Library.  I was totally bummed to miss out on it last year, so I made sure to be more timely with registering this year.  It is in a couple weeks and they do some fun Christmas activities at the library, including meet Santa, and then there is a trolley ride that you take downtown Rochester to see all the holiday lights on the stores.  Then it ends back at the library for a warm snack.  I heard so many good things about it last year, that I'm way excited to be able to go this year.  There is also a holiday parade in a couple weeks that we might check out.  Troy is NOT a parade guy, so we'll see if we go or not.

Day 24 - Today I'm most thankful for having my Christmas shopping done already, well, mostly done. All the gifts are purchased for both my and Troy's secret santa people, our niece and nephew, as well as the big gifts for the boys.  I'd like to get them some other smaller gifts, maybe stocking stuffer-type gifts that are just add-ons, but its nice to know that the big chunk of the shopping is done.  And, I only had to go to one store - everything else was done online.  I was extremely disappointed when I found one of the gifts I was going to get the boys was $40 for shipping since it was an oversized item and at the time it didn't look like it was available for purchase in stores.  Well, after a bit more research (checking out different Toys R Us' around here), I was able to get it after all!  So glad that is done!  Anyone else done with their shopping already?

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Giving Thanks - Day 22

Today I am thankful for being able to spend Thanksgiving with my family.  My parents, sister and brother-in-law, niece and nephew joined the 4 of us for the day.  I'm thankful that we all live close enough to be able to spend holidays like today together.  The guys watched football, the girls chatted, the kids played, and we all ate!  We also did our annual Secret Santa name-pull.  And now that Thanksgiving is over, we can officially become Christmas-minded.  I'm definitely looking forward to the upcoming month of fun!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and/or family!  Love you all!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Giving Thanks - Day 21

Today I'm thankful for already getting all my math homework done for next week.  We had a grueling class yesterday and went over 4 lessons - meaning 4 lessons of homework.  At school today, I utilized my break time to get some of it done and just worked for the past 2 hours getting the rest of it done. Luckily these problems are a bit shorter, so that definitely helps.  Now, I can rest and relax for the rest of the long weekend and spend some quality time with my family, without having class work or school (teaching) work to do. Definitely looking forward to tomorrow!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Giving Thanks - Day 20

I'm thankful for the 94% I got on my test last week in my Calculus class.  Seriously, even though I took this class 14 years ago (holy crap, 14 years ago??!?!), I don't remember learning half the things we are learning.  It isn't hard necessarily, but lots of long problems that take a page or so to do.  Anyways, last weeks test was the longest and hardest so far, but I did well on it.  And that doesn't even include the extra credit take home part we turned in today.  Our professor says that if we ever miss a test, she takes the lowest test score we received and uses that for the missed test.  So, if we do well on the first 3 tests, we technically don't have to take the 4th test and she'll use our lowest score for it.  That way we can use all our time to study for the final the next week.  This is my lowest score so far, so looks like I'm not going to be taking that 4th test. less thing to worry about.  3 more classes to go....well, until January when I start Calculus II.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Giving Thanks - Day 19

Today, I'm thankful for the way my parents raised me.  They taught me to value my education, the difference between right and wrong, common sense, common courtesy, how to be respectful and show respect, how to be a good friend, how to own up to my mistakes and grow from them, how to work for what I want, to follow through with commitments, to be my own person - I could go on forever.  Although some of these may seem like obvious things a parent should teach a child, doing those things well, as a parent, isn't always easy.  I know that raising kids in the 21st century is a bit different than it was "back in my day", but come on people - quit making excuses!  With a poor economy and many outside stressors to families these days, I know it isn't easy, but teaching your children these basic values is FREE!  Spend time with your kids, be a good role model for your child, teach them these values!  Too many kids these days don't realize how difficult the real world is and want something for nothing.  Today at work, I saw way too many situations where students were being just plain lazy, making excuses for everything, wanting a good grade but not willing to do any work to earn that grade, and being just plain disrespectful.  After I got over my initial frustration, it made me realize how much more I appreciate what my parents instilled in me.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Giving Thanks - Day 18 (and some pictures)

Today, I'm thankful that Troy is back home from his hunting trip.  Of course I wish he was a bit more successful, but he didn't have any luck even seeing any bucks.  And although he saw a ton of doe, he didn't get a doe tag.  Note to self: Get a doe tag next year too!  The boys were great for me this weekend for the most part and this isn't the first time I've been left with them on my own, but its always good when he returns home.  Back to normal.  Plus it let me get some things done that I couldn't get done without him here.  My OCD-self mowed the lawn and picked up all the leaves.  Yes, Troy said he'd do it later this week, but it was beautiful outside and there is something a bit soothing about mowing the lawn.  Plus, I love, LOVE, love how nice the lawn looks right after it is mowed.  And the fact that all the leaves are picked up makes me happy too.  Yes, I know, a bit OCD, but at least I admit it!  Now if only our neighbors would do theres because I'll be a little ticked if all their leaves come in our yard.

Anyways, I know I haven't been too good with updates on the boys lately, but to be perfectly honest, not much has been going on.  Since Halloween we've been hanging low around here - which is totally fine by me!  For those of you who want some recent pictures, here you go:

When I push them around the basement in their new cars, they are good at showing me
1 finger meaning that they want to be pushed one more time

Even as the weather has gotten cooler, they still love being outside.  When I went to get the boys the other day, they had to take a stroll (or slight run) down the street before getting in the car.

They were mesmerized, as they are with any truck, when the FedEx truck stopped at a neighbors house.  They just stared and watched as he drove by.  He even honked for them as he passed them and they just loved it!

They still love the play kitchen at Boogie Babies.  Looks like we'll have to find them one for Christmas!

I don't know what these are called, but I'd like to get them too.   They love climbing and walking all over them.

Our little readers!

They LOVE playing with the iPad and now that I have the iPhone, the other one demands that when one has the iPad.  It's only fair, right?  What's even funnier is that they know exactly what apps are for them.

During today's Lions game.  Logan is signaling the touchdown!

He thought he was so cute (and of course, he is!) so he kept doing it and making sure daddy watched him!
You can't say these boys don't like push/riding toys!  And these are just the ones in the basement!
That's it for now.  I'm looking forward to a 3 day work week and a house full of family on Thanksgiving.  Hopefully everyone has a great week and Thanksgiving weekend.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Giving Thanks - Days 16-17

Day 16 - I'm thankful for such light traffic over the past two days.  It must be due to the start of hunting season and less people headed to work, because I have gotten to work and back home in record time.  If only it was like that on a daily basis...ahhh...  Okay, enough dreaming!

Day 17 - I'm thankful for an easy, uneventful trip to the grocery store today.  I know that sounds silly, but since Troy is up north hunting, I took the boys shopping with me today.  Yes, I've done that in the past, but never to buy so much.  Not only our normal food for the week, but all the goodies for Thanksgiving that we are hosting, too.  Luckily the store wasn't too busy and the boys were awesome, so we got in and out in an hour, without bribing them with a treat or having to move the cart so fast that they wouldn't have a chance to try to shimmy themselves out of the buckled seat.  This very proud mama rewarded them after their nap with a trip to Boogie Babies until dinner, and they loved it!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Giving Thanks - Day 15

Today I was approached by a parent after school, in the parking lot, with a request.  It was a parent of a student that I taught last year.  She was a 7th grader, but advanced in math, so she joined my 8th grade class.  I've had a good relationship with both the mom and the student, mainly because of how good this student is in math, and the fact that I'm an advocate for her to be pushed to higher math even though I don't teach her this year.  Well, unfortunately, she is in a bit of a funk this year and she is letting her sassy attitude get the best of her, getting her in trouble more than she should be.  The reason for this parent to approach me had nothing to do with math, but to tell me that since she knew I had a good relationship with her daughter, she was hoping I could pull her aside to talk to her and help her tame some of her emotions to get her through the year successfully.  Some of the situations that she was explaining to me that have happened to her daughter in the past week were ones that I actually side with the student too, so I know where she is coming from.  She just needs to learn how to respectfully, appropriately, handle situations that she doesn't agree with - and her mom wants me to help her with that.  

So, today, I'm thankful to be able to build those relationships with my students and their parents.  I am thankful that parents trust me with their children, to know that the parents of my students can come to me to ask me to talk to their child, to guide them in a way that will help them be successful, not only academically but socially too.  

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Giving Thanks - Day 14

Today I am thankful for a night where all I am going to do is relax and catch up on my recorded shows.  After a busy week last week, a busy (yet fun) weekend, and a test that I took yesterday, I am demanding nothing of myself tonight.  I think I deserve one of these days once in a while!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Giving Thanks - Day 12-13

A bit late from yesterday, but:

Day 12 - I am thankful for an easy Monday at work.  Anyone who is a teacher knows that you never know what you are going to get when you walk in your classroom for the day, especially teaching Middle School.  The kids might have an off day (especially after returning from the weekend), the lesson might not go as planned, etc.  Plus on Monday, I have lunch duty and any teacher who does that knows its not one of our most exciting tasks as a teacher.  So, despite any of these possible issues that could've affected my day, none of it did and it ran as smoothly as it could have.  Now lets hope the rest of the week goes this way...

Day 13 - I will be thankful when my Calculus test is over with tonight.  The material isn't difficult but many of the problems are very time consuming.  Then of course if you make a mistake, you have to start the long tedious process over again.  Needless to say, most of my nights since Wednesday last week have been spent in front of my Calculus book either doing the assignment that is due today or reviewing the 8 lessons that are covered on today's test. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Giving Thanks - Day 9-11

It was bound to happen that I would be a few days behind.  The weekend has been quite busy, so here is a little catch-up:

Day 9 - I am thankful that the boys enjoy looking at and reading books.  I know it's good to start the love of reading at a young age, but I love the fact that they are just as content flipping through books as they are playing with their blocks.  Or, that we have more books in the car to entertain them on car rides compared to other toys.

Day 10 - I am thankful for a good solid 8 hours of sleep.  Thursday night was a bit rough and something was bothering Ellis enough to keep him up off and on for 2 hours.  That made for one sleepy mama on Friday.  Thankfully, I got some decent sleep Friday night to make up for it.

Day 11 - I am thankful for those moments that create uncontrollable laughter.  Two times today, Troy had the boys laughing so hard, it couldn't help but crack you up.  It is definitely nice to have these moments every so often since you can't help but laugh yourself!

I am also thankful for one last beautiful day before what seems like the cold weather settles in.  We definitely enjoyed the day outside.  And for all we know, we might have a future soccer star in the works:

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Giving Thanks - Day 7-8

Day 7 - I'm thankful for the end of major construction projects near home.  Throughout the summer and right before school started, there were 3 major construction projects near home and closed down the entire road for periods of time.  One of these projects literally started the week before going back to school and it was on the route that I take to work.  This caused me to take a different route (which I think EVERYONE had to take since 2 other roads were being worked on too), and added 10-15 minutes to my already long enough commute.  Thankfully, the construction is over and the roads are open for all traffic and I can resume my normal route.  I know I should get used to traffic knowing that I live 30 miles from work, but taking 10-15 minutes to get through 3 miles of road is never fun on a daily basis.  Thank you construction workers for finishing this project!

Day 8 - I'm thankful for Logan being so willing to share.  The cutest thing happened that I wish I got on video.  Logan and Ellis love, love, LOVE my iPad. It's literally their favorite toy.  They love to play a counting game and a couple of the animal games.  When one is playing with it, we make them take turns - after about 5 minutes, the other one gets to play with it.  They don't usually stop playing with it on their own, so we give warnings when their time is up and hope that they don't scream too much when it is given to the other brother.  While Logan played with the iPad, I was trying to occupy Ellis and read him some books, when all of a sudden Logan brought the iPad over to Ellis and handed it to him, and said "all done".  Ellis took it from Logan and off Logan went to play with his train.  It was the cutest.thing.ever!  I'm not certain that will happen again for a while, but for today, it definitely stands out as one of those moments that makes me smile.  And quite impressive for a 19 month old!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Giving Thanks - Day 6

Today I'm thankful for the ability to vote.  After a full day at work and my 4 hour class tonight, I wasn't sure I'd have time to run to the polls to vote in between.  Luckily the lines were short enough that I got in and out within 20 minutes and was even able to come home to grab a quick dinner before class.  I hope everyone else was able to cast their vote today too!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Giving Thanks - Day 5

I am thankful for technology.  It is amazing how much technology has boomed in the past 10-15 years and I'm almost afraid of how much it is going to change the next 10-15 years.  I hope I can keep up with it all!  Last week, Troy kept the boys home to spend some time with Grandma and Grandpa Bush before Grandpa headed back to Alaska.  Troy turned on some music and Grandma was able to catch Logan dancing a little bit.  How awesome to have video capabilities on a phone, for me to be able to upload it from her phone to my computer, and share it with friends and family.  How cool to have blogs and video chatting to be able share current happenings with people all over the country and beyond - or to be able to literally talk to people that live thousands of miles away.  So, for all of these technological abilities and then some, I am thankful for all the technology out there that help keep people in touch.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Giving Thanks - Day 4

I am thankful for adult time.  Last night I had such a good time, with just adults!  Every so often, Troy and I try to go out on dinner/movie dates, but last night we went out with two other couples - Nicole and Mark, and Val and Derek.  All of us have kids, so we were thankful our in-laws were available to watch our kids, so we could go out for an awesome dinner and drinks/bar-hopping afterwards.

We all love our kids dearly, but having fun with friends is important too.  I am thankful that Troy and I are able to have our adult time - both together and on our own (since all of our hobbies are not similar!).  We recognize the need to spend meaningful time as a family, yet also know how important it is to do fun adult things too - do things that make us happy, for ourselves.

A couple pictures from our evening:
Our first round of drinks at Los Galanes in Mexicantown.
Enjoying a drink and watching the guys play pool at Centaur.
I definitely hope we have more evenings like that in the near future!

I also look forward to adult time with my mom and Nicole, next weekend to scrapbook, and I know that Troy is looking forward to November 15th when he heads up north for deer hunting with some friends.  

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Giving Thanks - Day 1-3

I saw a friend on Facebook is posting things she is thankful for, 1 thing for each day of November, so I'm going to steal this idea and do it myself.  It seems like the daily news is filled with horrible stories lately (or always), so its time to really give thanks, show appreciation, think positively for all the good in our lives.  And Lord knows I am one lucky girl and I have a lot to be thankful for.

Day 1 - I am thankful for my twin boys.

During the 19 months the boys have been alive (and even while I was pregnant), I have been flooded with the questions of "how do you do it with twins?" or comments like "better you than me" or "double trouble".  It's amazing how many strangers feel some sort of obligation to make a comment about having twins - negative comments or questions, as if having twins means you are doomed.  I usually respond about how I don't know anything different since we didn't have any children prior to twins and let it go, but it just dawned on me that it took 19 months before I heard a sincerely positive comment from a stranger about having twins.  We took the boys trick-or-treating the other night, and one lady saw the boys and she looked at me and said "oh, what a double blessing!"  Just hearing that comment and realizing that no one has ever said that to me before (although I've heard the phrase many times) made me think about how many people don't know what they are missing out on, by NOT having the experience of having twins.

I wish more people could see all the awesomeness of having twins, instead of immediately assuming its a recipe for disaster.  I'm not saying that every day is a breeze, but even parents of one single child have their not-so-perfect days too.  Yes, I've had my fill of days that I am completely overwhelmed, but hasn't everyone?  It has been amazing to watch these two little personalities grow up and be so different at some times, but so similar other times, or even switch personalities day to day.  Seeing the bond develop between them is crazy.  Sure many kids have siblings, but there is no bond similar to the bond between twins.  Two kids of the same age and mentality interacting with each other, cracking each other up, already knowing how to share toys with each other (most of the time), reading books together, egging each other on, yet also being content playing on their own in opposite sides of the room or house, is priceless.  Watching Ellis know that if he wants the toy Logan is playing with, he can just give him a different toy and then take the one Logan had first (and vice versa) - the old bait and switch - is pretty comical considering they are only 19 months old.  They literally are the best entertainment for each other, as well as me and Troy.  I don't know what I'd do without them and they are the best thing that's happened to me!  I know some people are just "glass half empty" type people, but I am truly thankful that I have been blessed with my twin boys and I wouldn't want it any other way.

Day 2 - I'm thankful for my husband.
I am very thankful for all Troy does, on a daily basis.  What I appreciate the most is all that he does to make my life that much easier.  His willingness to do anything I ask him to do, to be my equal when it comes to cleaning the house, making dinner, etc. - not just assuming I will do it because I'm the woman and thats my "job".  He gives me my space when I need it, but support when I need that too.  He understands me - he makes me laugh - he truly makes me happy.  I love the little things he does to let me know he's thinking of me, even when he is out of town.  The fact that he realizes how important for us both to have our own time, doing things with family and friends - to be able to be gone for the weekend and not freak out that he is on his own with the kids.  I could go on and on, but I'm truly thankful that I have not only an awesome husband but a best friend (and a fantastic father to our boys), all in one.  

Day 3 - I'm thankful for my family.
I'm thankful that my immediate family is so close, despite being spread out 30-50 miles in the Metro Detroit area.  I'm so lucky to have my mom watch the boys, while I'm working - so so lucky.  I can not describe how much I appreciate all that she does for me and the boys.  I love that my sister, mom and I have a ritual of getting together once a month to scrapbook - to make holiday cookies in December - to make Christmas cards.  I love spending summer days with Nicole and watching the kids play together - at the splash pad, the zoo, the park.  I'm excited to see the cousins grow up together and hope they remain close with each other too.  

What are you thankful for?

Friday, November 2, 2012

19 months

As I've said every month, yet another month has flown by.  To change up the monthly update I thought  would include my favorite 19 pictures from their past 19 months.  Here goes:

Such awesome boys and a fun, fun age.  Happy 19 months, Logan and Ellis!  Mommy loves you.