Thursday, November 15, 2012

Giving Thanks - Day 15

Today I was approached by a parent after school, in the parking lot, with a request.  It was a parent of a student that I taught last year.  She was a 7th grader, but advanced in math, so she joined my 8th grade class.  I've had a good relationship with both the mom and the student, mainly because of how good this student is in math, and the fact that I'm an advocate for her to be pushed to higher math even though I don't teach her this year.  Well, unfortunately, she is in a bit of a funk this year and she is letting her sassy attitude get the best of her, getting her in trouble more than she should be.  The reason for this parent to approach me had nothing to do with math, but to tell me that since she knew I had a good relationship with her daughter, she was hoping I could pull her aside to talk to her and help her tame some of her emotions to get her through the year successfully.  Some of the situations that she was explaining to me that have happened to her daughter in the past week were ones that I actually side with the student too, so I know where she is coming from.  She just needs to learn how to respectfully, appropriately, handle situations that she doesn't agree with - and her mom wants me to help her with that.  

So, today, I'm thankful to be able to build those relationships with my students and their parents.  I am thankful that parents trust me with their children, to know that the parents of my students can come to me to ask me to talk to their child, to guide them in a way that will help them be successful, not only academically but socially too.  

1 comment:

Nicole said...

That's so awesome that she came to you for help!!