Saturday, November 3, 2012

Giving Thanks - Day 1-3

I saw a friend on Facebook is posting things she is thankful for, 1 thing for each day of November, so I'm going to steal this idea and do it myself.  It seems like the daily news is filled with horrible stories lately (or always), so its time to really give thanks, show appreciation, think positively for all the good in our lives.  And Lord knows I am one lucky girl and I have a lot to be thankful for.

Day 1 - I am thankful for my twin boys.

During the 19 months the boys have been alive (and even while I was pregnant), I have been flooded with the questions of "how do you do it with twins?" or comments like "better you than me" or "double trouble".  It's amazing how many strangers feel some sort of obligation to make a comment about having twins - negative comments or questions, as if having twins means you are doomed.  I usually respond about how I don't know anything different since we didn't have any children prior to twins and let it go, but it just dawned on me that it took 19 months before I heard a sincerely positive comment from a stranger about having twins.  We took the boys trick-or-treating the other night, and one lady saw the boys and she looked at me and said "oh, what a double blessing!"  Just hearing that comment and realizing that no one has ever said that to me before (although I've heard the phrase many times) made me think about how many people don't know what they are missing out on, by NOT having the experience of having twins.

I wish more people could see all the awesomeness of having twins, instead of immediately assuming its a recipe for disaster.  I'm not saying that every day is a breeze, but even parents of one single child have their not-so-perfect days too.  Yes, I've had my fill of days that I am completely overwhelmed, but hasn't everyone?  It has been amazing to watch these two little personalities grow up and be so different at some times, but so similar other times, or even switch personalities day to day.  Seeing the bond develop between them is crazy.  Sure many kids have siblings, but there is no bond similar to the bond between twins.  Two kids of the same age and mentality interacting with each other, cracking each other up, already knowing how to share toys with each other (most of the time), reading books together, egging each other on, yet also being content playing on their own in opposite sides of the room or house, is priceless.  Watching Ellis know that if he wants the toy Logan is playing with, he can just give him a different toy and then take the one Logan had first (and vice versa) - the old bait and switch - is pretty comical considering they are only 19 months old.  They literally are the best entertainment for each other, as well as me and Troy.  I don't know what I'd do without them and they are the best thing that's happened to me!  I know some people are just "glass half empty" type people, but I am truly thankful that I have been blessed with my twin boys and I wouldn't want it any other way.

Day 2 - I'm thankful for my husband.
I am very thankful for all Troy does, on a daily basis.  What I appreciate the most is all that he does to make my life that much easier.  His willingness to do anything I ask him to do, to be my equal when it comes to cleaning the house, making dinner, etc. - not just assuming I will do it because I'm the woman and thats my "job".  He gives me my space when I need it, but support when I need that too.  He understands me - he makes me laugh - he truly makes me happy.  I love the little things he does to let me know he's thinking of me, even when he is out of town.  The fact that he realizes how important for us both to have our own time, doing things with family and friends - to be able to be gone for the weekend and not freak out that he is on his own with the kids.  I could go on and on, but I'm truly thankful that I have not only an awesome husband but a best friend (and a fantastic father to our boys), all in one.  

Day 3 - I'm thankful for my family.
I'm thankful that my immediate family is so close, despite being spread out 30-50 miles in the Metro Detroit area.  I'm so lucky to have my mom watch the boys, while I'm working - so so lucky.  I can not describe how much I appreciate all that she does for me and the boys.  I love that my sister, mom and I have a ritual of getting together once a month to scrapbook - to make holiday cookies in December - to make Christmas cards.  I love spending summer days with Nicole and watching the kids play together - at the splash pad, the zoo, the park.  I'm excited to see the cousins grow up together and hope they remain close with each other too.  

What are you thankful for?

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