Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Giving Thanks - Day 12-13

A bit late from yesterday, but:

Day 12 - I am thankful for an easy Monday at work.  Anyone who is a teacher knows that you never know what you are going to get when you walk in your classroom for the day, especially teaching Middle School.  The kids might have an off day (especially after returning from the weekend), the lesson might not go as planned, etc.  Plus on Monday, I have lunch duty and any teacher who does that knows its not one of our most exciting tasks as a teacher.  So, despite any of these possible issues that could've affected my day, none of it did and it ran as smoothly as it could have.  Now lets hope the rest of the week goes this way...

Day 13 - I will be thankful when my Calculus test is over with tonight.  The material isn't difficult but many of the problems are very time consuming.  Then of course if you make a mistake, you have to start the long tedious process over again.  Needless to say, most of my nights since Wednesday last week have been spent in front of my Calculus book either doing the assignment that is due today or reviewing the 8 lessons that are covered on today's test. 

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