Monday, November 26, 2012

Giving Thanks - Day 26

Today, although rather silly perhaps, I am thankful that Troy and I can literally be thinking the same thing without knowing it.  How crazy is it that on random occasions, I can be thinking one thing and he is literally voicing that same thought out loud to me??!  How cool!  =)  Without going into details, the past few nights have been a bit off for us.  Nothing wrong necessarily, but we have both been in a little funk.  Well tonight, after dinner I told Troy that I thought we should have an ice cream "date" after the kids went to bed and he looked at me and said he was thinking the same thing.  Strange - we haven't done this in over a month, yet were both thinking of it on the same night.  So, twist my arm, Cold Stone it was.  Enjoying ice cream with my love after we both had long days on our first day back to work after a nice, long weekend, was a great way to end the day!!  

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