Sunday, November 18, 2012

Giving Thanks - Day 18 (and some pictures)

Today, I'm thankful that Troy is back home from his hunting trip.  Of course I wish he was a bit more successful, but he didn't have any luck even seeing any bucks.  And although he saw a ton of doe, he didn't get a doe tag.  Note to self: Get a doe tag next year too!  The boys were great for me this weekend for the most part and this isn't the first time I've been left with them on my own, but its always good when he returns home.  Back to normal.  Plus it let me get some things done that I couldn't get done without him here.  My OCD-self mowed the lawn and picked up all the leaves.  Yes, Troy said he'd do it later this week, but it was beautiful outside and there is something a bit soothing about mowing the lawn.  Plus, I love, LOVE, love how nice the lawn looks right after it is mowed.  And the fact that all the leaves are picked up makes me happy too.  Yes, I know, a bit OCD, but at least I admit it!  Now if only our neighbors would do theres because I'll be a little ticked if all their leaves come in our yard.

Anyways, I know I haven't been too good with updates on the boys lately, but to be perfectly honest, not much has been going on.  Since Halloween we've been hanging low around here - which is totally fine by me!  For those of you who want some recent pictures, here you go:

When I push them around the basement in their new cars, they are good at showing me
1 finger meaning that they want to be pushed one more time

Even as the weather has gotten cooler, they still love being outside.  When I went to get the boys the other day, they had to take a stroll (or slight run) down the street before getting in the car.

They were mesmerized, as they are with any truck, when the FedEx truck stopped at a neighbors house.  They just stared and watched as he drove by.  He even honked for them as he passed them and they just loved it!

They still love the play kitchen at Boogie Babies.  Looks like we'll have to find them one for Christmas!

I don't know what these are called, but I'd like to get them too.   They love climbing and walking all over them.

Our little readers!

They LOVE playing with the iPad and now that I have the iPhone, the other one demands that when one has the iPad.  It's only fair, right?  What's even funnier is that they know exactly what apps are for them.

During today's Lions game.  Logan is signaling the touchdown!

He thought he was so cute (and of course, he is!) so he kept doing it and making sure daddy watched him!
You can't say these boys don't like push/riding toys!  And these are just the ones in the basement!
That's it for now.  I'm looking forward to a 3 day work week and a house full of family on Thanksgiving.  Hopefully everyone has a great week and Thanksgiving weekend.

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