Monday, November 19, 2012

Giving Thanks - Day 19

Today, I'm thankful for the way my parents raised me.  They taught me to value my education, the difference between right and wrong, common sense, common courtesy, how to be respectful and show respect, how to be a good friend, how to own up to my mistakes and grow from them, how to work for what I want, to follow through with commitments, to be my own person - I could go on forever.  Although some of these may seem like obvious things a parent should teach a child, doing those things well, as a parent, isn't always easy.  I know that raising kids in the 21st century is a bit different than it was "back in my day", but come on people - quit making excuses!  With a poor economy and many outside stressors to families these days, I know it isn't easy, but teaching your children these basic values is FREE!  Spend time with your kids, be a good role model for your child, teach them these values!  Too many kids these days don't realize how difficult the real world is and want something for nothing.  Today at work, I saw way too many situations where students were being just plain lazy, making excuses for everything, wanting a good grade but not willing to do any work to earn that grade, and being just plain disrespectful.  After I got over my initial frustration, it made me realize how much more I appreciate what my parents instilled in me.

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