Tuesday, May 1, 2012

This is what fun is

It has been less than 1 week and I am just soaking up all the fun that comes with not taking a class.  Gosh, I act like I haven't taken classes while working before.  I mean, people do it all the time right?  I guess it was just more of a time commitment than I realized it was going to be.  And the last time I took a class, I didn't have two kids either.

So the past weekend I had lots of time to actually enjoy myself.  Not to say I didn't enjoy previous weekends, but whenever we did something fun, in the back of my mind came the thought of "okay, so now when am I going to do my math assignment and study for my upcoming test?"

Some weekend pics:
 Ellis chillin' with Dad when I woke up Sunday morning

Logan watching Dad mow the lawn.  He literally stood there and 
watched him the entire time he mowed the front yard.

Sunday afternoon we took a trip to the library.  Got a few books for the boys and let them play around. This was the first time I've taken them since they've been walking, so it was interesting.  As I mentioned before, Ellis is going to be the one that I'm going to have to chase in an open environment, and he proved me right.  Although Logan was content playing with the toys, Ellis wanted to check everything out (and of course, he was crawling like crazy before he warmed up and started walking around...and yes, he is a super fast crawler!) --

Ellis cruising up one aisle... 

and turning to go down the next aisle.... 

"Don't worry mom, I'm fine.  Why don't you go check on Logan"

So Logan joined us and realize how much fun it was... 

...to hit the shelves.  "What a LOUD sound they make when you hit them, mom!"

Finally, I was able to take them back to the play area, and they found some things to occupy themselves. 

And of course Ellis wanted to put everything in his mouth - not sure how you stop them from doing that to toys that aren't theres....

...but I thought it was too cute to see him try to "eat" the ice cream cone.  Oh, Ellis, if you only knew how yummy ice cream is.  Soon enough, little man, soon enough.

It is only Tuesday but its been a crazy week at work.  Hoping that calms down a bit, but if anything else, only 31 more school days left!  

1 comment:

gramm said...

Can you believe that Logan stood watching Troy that long? Who said little ones have short attention spans????? Logan sure does like to make loud noises. :)