Thursday, May 24, 2012

We've got skills...

...fine motor skills, that is.  Now that the boys are getting older, I'm trying to incorporate more educational type play in their day.  Thanks to a super creative friend, Sheila, I've been introduced to quite a few easy activities that you can make for kids, using ordinary things around the home (or very inexpensive things to buy).  One activity that I found while browsing the internet, is the pom pom activity.  I'm not sure who originally came up with the idea, but I found it here, who says she found it here.  Anyways, this is a great idea for working on fine motor skills, and I was thoroughly impressed with the determination the boys had with it.  On Sunday, I cut a few smaller holes in an old container lid, put the lid on the container and sat down on the floor just pushing the puffs in the holes.  Logan was immediately drawn to it and after me working with him for a few minutes, he claimed it as his own and did it himself!  Disclaimer: PLEASE monitor your kids doing this activity, if you ever do it yourself.  They both had a tendency, at first, to stick the puffs in their mouth before they knew what to do with them.  

Ellis wasn't as engaged in it as Logan was until today.  I pulled it out again after dinner, and it was awesome to see them work together nicely to put the puffs in the container.  No arguing or pulling away from the other one, just nice, cooperative playing and working together to get all the puffs in the container.  Such a proud mama here!

While I was out shopping this week for my special niece and nephew's birthday next week, I also picked up a few puzzles for the boys.  My mom said they have been playing with the puzzles she has at her house so I thought it was time for me to get some myself.  While I made dinner one night, Troy was working with Ellis on the puzzles.  Of course, I don't agree that they made similar shapes the same color (oval and circle/square and rectangle) but that is just one more challenge they will figure out.  I'm excited to see them work through the puzzles in the future and learn how they work, yet learn the shapes, animals, etc. that they are based on, as well.

Now that summer is quickly approaching and I will be spending the days at home (or out and about) with the kids, I am looking for some fun learning activities, that of course are age-appropriate to keep them engaged in.  The Busy Bag Exchange that Sheila put together was perfect timing.  For the first round, there are 19 people that each put together an activity (that literally fits in a freezer bag), using inexpensive materials, that are educationally based.  Our first exchange happens next Friday and I am beyond excited.  It's almost addicting to look for these simple ideas that work so many skills.  As I introduce them to the boys, I will also post about their experiences with it, in case you may be interested in trying them out with your kids!

1 comment:

gramm said...

So nice to learn that there are so many learning ideas for little ones that aren't expensive. Seems like the "cool" stuff always comes with a higher price tag. I can see why this exchange can be so much fun.