Sunday, May 20, 2012

Fun in the Sun (and then some)

Yesterday was a beautiful day.  We first thought we would head to the park, but since it warmed up quite a bit, we changed our mind and got one of the boy's pools out.  Unfortunately, we didn't think of it quick enough to let the water warm up as much as they might have liked, but they still enjoyed it!
"Wow, this is like a big bathtub!  I can splash a LOT"

Ellis thought it was funny to climb out, 

and climb back in.

Logan had fun chillin on the side of the pool.

Ellis was NOT happy when dad splashed him with water in the face.

Our morning was filled with fun in a little fort we created.  Actually, it was just a box.  We installed their new car seats this week and I was collapsing the boxes to put in the recycling bin we have, but thought I'd see if they would have fun with it beforehand.  They sure did!!!
First I just put out one box to see their reaction..

Then I put two boxes together and they just thought it was the coolest thing...

And they found where the two boxes come together (the flaps) and made it a door

Ellis liked playing peek-a-boo out the door

What a great way to occupy an hour of time! =)

Well, its time to go return our books at the library and get some new ones.  More later...


gramm said...

No splashing Daddy!!!!! Yesterday was definitely a fun day.

Nicole said...

I swear I'm looking at Parker in these pictures! Love seeing those smiling faces and I can't wait to see them walking more. Morgan told me today that she is too. XO all!!