Sunday, May 13, 2012

Truly Blessed

I had such an awesome day today with my boys.  I am such a lucky mom (and wife!!).  Our day was spent for the most part, at the park today.  We set up a blanket in the shade and I took off with a boy at a time to go play (we brought cameras and such, so Troy stayed behind playing with the other boy, and watching our stuff).  Here are some pictures from our day (from a "picture-happy" mom):

Ellis wanted to go check things out, so away we went.

Checking out the boys playing baseball.

Hanging out with dad

Time for the swings.  He was a bit nervous at first, but then started
watching the little girl next to him and loosened up a bit.

Probably one of my favorite pictures of him today.

Logan wasn't too excited (can you tell?!?) at first...
and begged for me to take him out....

but as quick as he started crying, he stopped, and then was all smiles...

A favorite picture of Logan from today!

His happiness equates to spitting, for some reason....

What a good dad you are, watching your child so carefully (haha - he wasn't really sleeping!)
After a few hours at the park, we came home and then enjoyed our steak dinner.  It was scrumptious.  Now time for dessert - one of Troy's old specialties - a chocolate chip cookie cake with cool whip and strawberries...yummy!

I had everything a mom could ask for today: I got to sleep in, play with the boys, go for a run and still have time to relax while the boys napped, have fun time at the park with my family, eat an awesome dinner, and enjoy dessert while watching a movie to end the day.  Perfection!

1 comment:

gramm said...

Awesome! What an enjoyable day!