Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Great Outdoors

Today was so beautiful, we couldn't help but go outside after dinner.  In the past, we kept the boys on the deck (blocking the stairs) and let them play up there since they weren't really walking yet, but we thought it was time to explore the yard.  As we knew from last weekend at Sheila's, they were a bit hesitant in the grass...not sure about the feel of it.  Logan was not having it, and just sat still as can be in the grass with a ball.  A little later, he walked around just a little bit.  This was much unlike Ellis, who after a brief freak-out-moment with the grass, cruised all the way around, practically running around the yard.  Tons of fun...

I completely look forward to all the fun we are going to have in the yard as the warm weather continues!

1 comment:

gramm said...

How fun. It won't take long and Logan will be running with Ellis. :)