Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Rollin, rollin, rollin

If you read yesterday's post you are probably assuming that I finally got Ellis rolling over on camera, right? WRONG! During our morning tummy time, Ellis was far too tired to want to do much. So, I put Logan on the blanket and here he goes...

It was quite funny and I was a bit surprised at how fast he did it the first time (which is why I didn't have my camera ready -- I thought Ellis would be the one to get on camera first) and honestly wasn't sure I'd get him to do it again, but he sure did! Like Troy said, I have to keep my camera with me at all times it seems. Poor Ellis hasn't had a video posted yet, but I will try to get one up here soon. He does get credit for rolling over first though!


gramm said...

Good job Logan! I hear Ellis in the background; maybe he's not too happy you are recording Logan again. Or then again, he could be shy. I do feel tho that Ellis deserves a spot in the limelight. :)

Nicole said...

Go Logan go! And I love the look at the end - "why is mommy so excited?" Good job, bud! :)