Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Logan - The Bulldozer

Our little Logan is at it again. The other day during tummy time, I noticed that he was moving his legs so much - it was like he wanted to move. Most of the time we had been using the tummy time mat that has the half moon shaped pillow in the front of it to prop them up a little bit to help build their neck strength, but when we tried tummy time the other day, we just used a regular blanket and this is when I noticed him trying to move so much. Looks as though all those nights fighting to get out of his swaddle has paid off -- he's got some strong legs on him. Unfortunately, his arms aren't as strong yet so it looks like he's going head first into the floor in order to try to move. Here is a little video of him in action...

I think Ellis was a little upset because Logan has been getting so much attention, so today Ellis was thisclose to rolling over during tummy time. He lifted his head so high and was kicking a bit that he rolled onto his side. Unfortunately Logan was too close to him and he kind of stopped him and Ellis got stuck on his side. It was really kind of funny, but of course I didn't have the camera or video camera close enough to capture it. Hopefully next time I'll have my camera close by.


ErinWieczorek said...

Wow, what a work out! No wonder why he is sleeping so well!

gramm said...

Go Logan! He sure has the determination.

Nicole said...

Screw tummy time! Logan wants to crawl - holy cow!! Maybe I'm just a mean mommy, but I think it's funny to see how frustrated they can get when learning new things. =P