Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Our sleepy heads

Last night we had a little surprise. Our little boys slept 7 hours straight!! I woke up around 4am (about the usual time they have been waking up lately) and felt the need to pump, so I got my pump supplies and brought bottles up to their room, assuming that they'd wake up sometime while I was up there. Much to my surprise, I was done pumping and was able to go back to bed for a half an hour, before waking up to them crying at 5am! Maybe a last minute birthday gift for me, but hey, I will take what I can get! We'll see if this happens more or if it was just luck (and pray that my boobs let me sleep a little longer next time too!) =)


Nicole said...

YEAH Logan and Ellis! Good luck with the boob thing mommy. ;)

gramm said...

You're too funny! Go boys!