Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Complete 180

Last night, this is how we put Logan in his crib after his 10pm bottle...
And this is how I found him at 4:30am...
Yes, he did a complete 180 throughout the night (the sleep sheep is hanging on the front of the crib), and forget sleeping on his back, he was comfy laying on his side. Strangely enough, when I woke up at 4:30, it was from Ellis crying, not Logan. The big move during the night must have exhausted him! Now you can tell why I'm going to be nervous when we can't swaddle them anymore. If he did this while being swaddled, what will he do without being swaddled??


Valerie Chandler said...

That boy is ready to go. Already doing tricks!

Nicole said...

oh man! Don't be too worried. He may surprise you. He looks pretty comfy...hee hee. :)

gramm said...

oh my--that looks like it was a lot of work. (just having some quiet fun when mommy thought I was sleeping. wink wink)