Friday, June 24, 2011

An Ellis First

Today during play time, the doorbell rang and much to my surprise, a delivery from Amazon came (I just ordered a few things yesterday and it was already here today!). So, I had to open the box and check out my goodies before I returned to the living room where Ellis was still playing under the activity mat. Logan had already checked out and was sleeping in his swing. Much to my surprise, this is what I found --
Mr. "I-must-be-swaddled-to-even-think-about-falling-asleep-unless-I'm-in-my-swing" Ellis fell asleep under the activity mat. What a cutie pie! About 30 minutes later he ended up waking up, but was quite content lying under the toys still. The days of swaddle-less naps haven't ended yet, but it looks like they may be near.


gramm said...

What a cutie and what a surprise. tee hee

Nicole said...

Awww! That's adorable. Parker used to do that quite a bit :) Very cute indeed!