Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Today was full of emotions for me --

* excitement
-- less than 48 hours and my babies will be in my arms.
-- Today was my last day of work. I know, I was planning on working tomorrow, but with everything going on and being able to wrap up loose ends at work today, I figured I needed one last "me" day. If anything else I'll try to get some sleep and keep my feet up as much as possible (oh yeah, in addition to the load of laundry I want to get done and the sterilizing of bottles I still haven't done...whoops!)
-- I had my last "pre-baby" hospital visit today. My non-stress test last night went great and today I had to go back to get blood work done to expedite things for Thursday. Next hospital visit = Thursday at 12:30 to prep for 2:30's C-section.

* exhaustion -- although I've been quite tired when I go to bed, I've been ITCHING like crazy and when I lay down in bed, all the itching starts up again. I've developed this rash that started on my stomach, then has moved to my thighs, my hands, and my upper arms. I noticed it Friday and did a bit of research and think it might be PUPPP. Luckily I haven't had it too long and it supposed to go away shortly after delivery, but in the meantime, I load up on as much cortisone cream as possible. Otherwise, I give in to the scratching and itch it so bad my stomach has welts on it. Not good, I know, but it feels soooooo good when I'm scratching! So, it has kept me up at night at times, and when I get up to go to the bathroom (still every 2 hours), I'm lucky if I can fall back asleep without the itch starting up again.

* extreme sadness -- today was my Grandma's funeral service. She was the strongest woman I knew for going through so many challenges in her life (including fighting and winning breast and bladder cancer). Unfortunately, her most recent challenge was too much for her tired body and she passed away on Sunday morning. I haven't been able to stop thinking about her (and the rest of my family) all day. What made it worse for me was that I wasn't able to attend the service since it was over 4 hours away and not a good idea to travel since I would be giving birth in 2 days. I do, however, have comfort knowing that she is now resting peacefully and like a co-worker said "she's got the best view for Thursday." You are greatly missed Grandma -- I love you!

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