Sunday, March 20, 2011

For the boys..

This weekend Nicole and I ventured out to get pedicures. We needed a bit of pampering and I personally was hoping that if the lady doing my pedicure rubbed hard enough, it would trigger some contractions, making me go into labor sooner. Well, no such luck on that part, but we did get pampered and boy did it feel good. We opted for the blue polish too -- for the boys! I am usually a pink/red/purple nail polish girl, but I gave in to blue for this occasion (Nicole wanted to have blue polish on her toes when Parker was born last year, but I was hesitant because she had him in June and in the summer, more people are likely to see your didn't happen then!)
Afterwards, I visited with the Reaves for just a short time before coming home. Morgan is such a sweetie -- she looked with awe at my belly, but was not short with the kisses or hugs for the boys. She kept running up and hugging my stomach -- so cute! She has also declared that she will be bringing a blanket to see the boys so she can hold them. Gotta love it! Parker -- he was just cruising around the house, crawling as fast as can be, and climbing up whatever he could. It is possibly my last visit with Morgan and Parker before the Perez boys come, but I just know it's going to be super exciting seeing these cousins grow up together!

1 comment:

ErinWieczorek said...

So glad to hear you were able to pamper yourself, whether or not it had the outcome you desired :)