Thursday, March 17, 2011

Another busy day

First of all, Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!

Second of all, welcome to March Madness and all the drama that comes with filling out a bracket!

Third of all, isn't this weather wonderful? Looks like we have to soak it up while we can though -- the 10 day forecast looks like we might be getting back to high 30s/low 40s for part of next week.

Fourth of all, how funny is it that I've been called the poster child of a twin pregnancy by the nurses at Beaumont? Oh if they only knew! I had 3 appointments today. The first was the growth ultrasound to see how big the babies are. Because they are getting more cramped in there (tell me about it!), it is getting harder and harder to get accurate measurements of the stomach, which is the biggest predictor of their weight. Unfortunately, Baby B was making it hard to see Baby A's size because his head kept pushing into Baby A's stomach. The closest measurement they had for Baby A is 5lbs 3oz, but she said that might be a bit low. Baby B was measuring at 5lbs 8oz, and she said she was pretty confident with that measurement since there was little in the way. Interesting that they only grew exactly 1lb each since the last appointment 4 weeks ago. She said that is normal and that everything looked perfect.

The second appointment was for a biophysical profile ultrasound where they measure the breathing, amniotic fluid, movements, etc. of each baby to make sure they are both active and have enough fluid. All checked out with that and the both passed the test with flying colors.

On to my non-stress test -- another good result. Both babies had good heart rates and everything with me ended up good -- no unusual contraction pattern or anything. Looks like those of you that were looking for St. Patrick's Day babies aren't going to get them...sorry.

So, on my way out of my non-stress test, as I was making my appointments for next week, the nurse said I was the poster child and about fell on the floor laughing. Of course she was referring to the fact that I have had no complications thus far, I'm still working, and still "looking good". If only she knew how READY I was -- how uncomfortable every part of my body is. Yes, I'd rather be uncomfortable for a few weeks to make sure that the babies are ready to be born and not come prematurely, but I think we're good at this point! My ankles have taken the word "swollen" to a whole new level. I no longer wear shoes to work -- I got some cheap slippers with a good sole that can be worn outside and wear those instead. I am just SOOOO ready to meet these boys. I'm ready to forget all about this uncomfortable phase of pregnancy, which everyone apparently has in some way or another, and enjoy motherhood and all it will bring. The countdown is on -- 14 days or less -- and only one more week of all these crazy appointments!

This weekend: I still have to pack my hospital bag and Troy still has to install the car seats (yeah, being productive during the week after work is just not happening these days). We are meeting with a potential pediatrician tomorrow and hopefully we'll make a decision with that. On Saturday, Nicole and I are getting some much needed pedicures. I hope they aren't afraid to touch my swollen feet! The rest of the weekend will be spent watching college basketball and hopefully doing nothing but relaxing!!! Enjoy!


Nicole said...

Of course they're perfect! So happy to hear everything went well. I can't wait for Saturday!!

gramm said...

Good news. Enjoy your pedicure!

ErinWieczorek said...

YOu are doing a great job taking care of yourself and those boys. Keep up the good work, not too much longer now!!!