Thursday, March 24, 2011

One week... hospital bag is finally packed,

..the carseats are ready to go in Troy's car,

..I have my last ultrasound today (but will still have a non-stress test next week Monday), doctor "feels bad" for my ankles but has told me that they could get worse after the c-section because of all the IV fluids they pump you with (oh dear!!),

..I am measuring 45 weeks, students are very understanding of my moods and the need to sit down so much with my feet up (thank goodness, the superintendent completely understands too!)

..I don't wear shoes anymore, not even to work -- oh how I love slippers,

..I can eat very little before feeling like I'm going to vomit -- more proof that they are taking up every spare inch of abdomen that I have,

..I just finished a very informative book that my mom gave me, "Ready or Not, Here We Come" (the guide to the first year with twins) -- it was my reading material during all my non-stress tests!

..the only thing that is still a "must-do" (that I can think of), is sterilizing the pacifiers and bottles we have and getting my breastpump out of the box and ready to go,

..I'm having my last girls day with my Mom and sister before motherhood, on Saturday,

..only 4 more days of work (after today) -- yes, I'm working right up until the c-section date -- some call me crazy, but if I was at home, I'd be driving myself nuts with boredom. Plus, I want to keep all my days for after they are born (we don't have paid maternity leave here, we can only use accumulated sick days).

..we still can't agree on a second boy's name...we have agreed on the first name for a while now, but just can't commit to a second one.

..172 hours and they will be here!!!!!


Nicole said...

I think you are a little crazy but totally understand. :) My swelling was not bad at all after Parker - just get up and walk around as soon as you feel able. I think that helps. You are in the home stretch now! YEAH!

Unknown said...

I am amazed by you once again...and totally impressed that your reading material didn't make you MORE stressed for those non-stress tests! Have you read any other books you liked?