Sunday, March 13, 2011

36 weeks

How time flies! It's crazy to think that in 18 days (or less), the babies will be here. We're definitely ready to be mom and dad, but I'm also very done with this uncomfortable stage of pregnancy. As my doctor says, my body is acting like I'm already 3 weeks overdue (based off of measurements, but only able to be compared to someone having a single baby), so the aches and pains are to be expected, but their arrival can't come soon enough. What will they look like? What will we decide to name them? What will their temperaments be like? So many things on my mind, I just can't wait...

Every test I've taken so far (my 2 non-stress tests and 1 biophysical ultrasound per week) have come back good, which is very promising that I'll make it to March 31st. I have a growth ultrasound this coming Thursday to see how much they each weigh. Knowing that they naturally lose weight after they are born, I'm hoping they are around 6lbs each. That way they can gain a little more before their delivery and still be okay to lose some and not be at risk for falling below 5lbs (which is when they'd have to visit the NICU).

At last weeks ultrasound, I asked for some "different" pictures (I always seem to get a profile picture or a head-on picture, so I wanted something new). This week we got a shot of Baby A's hair and Baby B's foot. It's amazing how close Baby B's foot is to Baby A. Lucky that they are in different sacs so Baby B couldn't really pound Baby A with it!

Baby A's hair (he is looking away from us, but you can see the little fuzz off the side of his head!):

The side of Baby B's foot (his toes are pointing towards the 8:00 mark on a clock, his heal is straight up and his leg is going towards the 5:o0 mark on a clock):

Me at 36 weeks -- amazing how I have seemed to lose the roundness and now look more "boxy".
For now, its lots of resting, prepping (putting car seats in the car and putting together my hospital bag are first to be done on that list), and counting down.

1 comment:

gramm said...

Let the countdown begin! Hope your week goes well. Love the tuft of hair. :)