Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Nursery

Here it is folks -- the nursery. It's not completely finished because we aren't sure what to put on the walls yet, but the majority of everything else is all situated. We were going to get some wall decals but then realized that with the placement of the furniture that they might take up too much of the wall. We'd at least like to get some shelves to put some things on, hang some pictures, etc. but we don't want to rush that just to have it done. We'll be on the look out for anything that sticks out to us. Enjoy!!


Nicole said...

LOVE it guys! I can't wait to see it in person. Don't feel like you have to have it completely done now. You'll be adding bits and pieces over time. :)

gramm said...

Like the video, but must admit, I was expecting a little more drama from Troy. tee hee Glad the nursery is ready for the babies.

Unknown said...

Oh Troy originally did a very nicely narrated video. Unfortunately it was too long and had to do a much shorter version, or else it couldn't be uploaded. =(

ErinWieczorek said...

It looks great! Wow, they are going to be hanging out in their room in style with the flat screen TV!! They are going to be so welcomed in their room :)

Valerie Chandler said...

Found this web site in my Whole Living Magazine. I have not had time to check out the site but for wall decor try

The babies room looks awesome!