Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The past 5 days

Wow.. there just aren't words to express how I've felt the past five days, so I'll just start from the beginning. Thursday was quite surreal. From not being able to sleep much the night before from the big belly, the itchy skin, and just thinking about everything that was going to happen/change in the next 24 hours, I was quite ready to get on with the day. We got to the hospital right at 12:30 and seriously within 5 minutes of being in triage, I started going into labor. I was having some full out contractions, very regularly, and couldn't believe the pain it caused all of a sudden. Luckily I didn't have to wait long before my c-section.

The c-section went perfectly. The anesthesiologist (and of course my OB) just rocked. I kept being told that I would feel all this pressure as they pulled the baby out (of a minimal 5-6 inch incision) and I didn't feel a thing. I was quite alert during the delivery, but as soon as the babies were out, I felt out of it. Troy was so excited to hold the babies and I could barely keep my eyes open. Soon in recovery, when my legs got some of their feeling back to them, I felt a little bit better but still quite groggy, as is expected. Our families got to come back to see the little ones and the new mom and dad, before we were wheeled into a postpartum room. Apparently, labor and delivery was quite busy for the past few days so we were lucky we even got a room from the sounds of it.

That night it was suggested that the babies go to the nursery since I was still a bit groggy, so we could both get some sleep, but they were brought back when they woke up, for feedings. Unfortunately, I wasn't producing enough within those first few days to keep up with both of them, so they started supplementing with formula until my supply came in better, since they noticed quite a drop in their weight. By the time we left the hospital though, they already started to gain some of that weight back.

I'd have to say that we got VERY lucky. Maybe it's too soon to tell (and again, we don't know any different since these are our first babies, so we can't compare it to only have 1), but we have had a fairly easy time with both of them. They are pretty easy to get to sleep (just laying them down swaddled in their crib is enough), they are only fussy when its time to eat, if they are gassy, or if they need to be changed, but otherwise they are very happy, content babies. They also LOVE cuddling on mommy and daddy's chest, and who can't resist having that bonding time with such ADORABLE babies (I know, I might be biased, but they are the cutest things ever!)

We stayed in the hospital until Monday. I really didn't want to be there another day, but when I found out my blood pressure had been higher than normal, I didn't really have a choice. We had quite a few visitors on Friday and Saturday, Troy's mom, my parents, Nicole, Mark, Morgan, and Parker, Val, Derek, and Sky, and although I wouldn't consider that "stressful" at all, they said my high blood pressure could just be from not sleeping/resting enough. So thats what we did on Sunday. Thankfully it went back to normal and Monday was time to go home. I heard that going home is a bit stressful just because you don't have the nurses to do everything for you, but really the only stressful thing was the timing. We tried to plan it were we would go home in between feedings so we wouldn't mess up their 3 hour feeding schedule, but things were delayed and it didn't work that way. So, after we got home, in the midst of trying to unpack, things were a bit hectic until we got them to eat and fall back asleep. It probably took until dinner time before things were back to how they were before coming home.

Last night was that "ever-feared" first night home, but all went reasonably well then too. They had been napping in the pack and play during the day so we wouldn't have to climb the stairs so much, so after their 11pm feeding, Troy took them to their crib. Much to my surprise, I woke up at 3am to pump and was SHOCKED to find that they were still sleeping...4 hours straight!?!? Of course I was a bit freaked out so I immediately went to check on them, but all was well and by the time I was done pumping, they were starting to wake up, so Troy took Logan and I took Ellis and fed them. Within 30 minutes we were back to bed. The next feeding (around 5am) happened a little bit sooner, but we figured it was because the first one was so late. Even better is that I was already up for the day by the time they woke up at 8am to be fed again. Not too shabby! Today, just a bit of the same -- feed, change diaper, sleep, repeat! =)

So, now I have 3 major shout-outs to give --

1) To Troy's mom and my parents -- thanks a TON for staying at our house to take care of Bella while we were in the hospital. It was a major weight off our shoulders to not have to worry about who was going to feed her and let her out in the morning and before bed.

2) Bella -- I am just floored by how well she has taken to the boys already. When we got home she was a little crazy, but she came up to the boys and just sniffed them to death. She hasn't been very "needy" like I thought she would be, but she is very responsive and isn't being a big pain in the butt. She'll lay by the boys, will try licking them (before Troy or I stop her), but she's pretty gentle around them. I thought it was funny that Troy told me that when he came home on Sunday, he said "where are the babies?" Apparently she ran around the main floor before running upstairs and sitting outside their room, like she already knew what was going on. Looks like she'll be the protective older sister to the babies.

3) Finally, this last shout-out goes to Troy (and no he didn't pay me to say all this!). He has been AMAZING through all of this. When my legs were still numb and I was in too much pain on Thursday night to change diapers or respond to the babies, he didn't hesitate -- he just did it. He has been very adamant on me resting so he took care of the boys on much of Friday as well. And, as funny as it is (I'll spare the full story right now -- but it would have been a sight to see!), I was a bit of a mess for the first diaper changing that I did on Saturday morning, so he totally showed me up that time. The way he talks to the boys is just hilarious -- calling them "sir" and calming them down especially after a diaper change. I don't know if its the cold air on them or what, but getting their diaper change is never a quiet process -- everyone and their brother can hear them from a mile away until we are able to get the new diaper back on. Coming home, Troy has also been wonderful. He's done his fair share of feedings while I pump, changes diapers (which is nice that he'll still do that despite the fact that I'm fully able to at this point), he made dinner last night (yes, a real dinner!), and even told me to go to bed early, knowing I'd have to be up soon to pump and he put the boys to bed. Today after the morning feedings, he went and picked up groceries and even made lunch for both of us. Although I never doubted that he would be helpful, I can't get over how lucky I am that he is SOOOO helpful both with the babies, in letting me rest, and with things around the house. I fully appreciate all the help he has done so far. They always say that the mother has instincts on taking care of babies that just kicks in after they are born, but Troy definitely has them too and I am forever grateful that he is willing to do so much without me even asking.

Well, I think this post is long enough, so I'll end here, with just a few more pictures...

Logan is on the bottom in the first picture and on the left in all the other ones. Ellis is on the top in the first picture and on the right in all the other ones.


gramm said...

Love the update. Love the fact that Troy has everything under control so that you get the rest you need. See everyone soon.

Nicole said...

YEAH for helpful daddies that step up to the plate. You rock, Troy! And that's so cute about Bella! I can't wait to see everyone on Saturday and see how much they've changed. I hope I can still tell them apart. :)