Saturday, April 9, 2011

Who is who?

Okay, so this isn't the best picture to be able to figure out which one is which, but its kind of hard to get many "awake" pictures since they just soak up the nap time these days. They sleep very well swaddled, so whether swaddled in a blanket, in a swaddler, or in a sleep sack swaddle, they are pretty much swaddled for a majority of the day. Any guess on which one is which in this picture?

Many people have asked lately if they are identical twins because they have such similar traits, but it's just hard to say. They were both in their own sac and own placentas, so most doctors guess that they are fraternal, but they do say that it is possible that they are identical and the egg just split so early on that they still developed in their own sac and placenta. Because they have such similar traits, I'm going to do a bit more research at the actual chances of them being identical still. Really, unless we were to get a DNA test, I'm not sure any other way of finding out for sure. When I asked my doctor about it earlier in the pregnancy, he said it was something to ask the pediatrician. Perhaps at their 1 month appointment, I will inquire.

Today we had another visitor -- Aunt Nicole. She came over to help out and snuggle with the boys. Ellis couldn't have been any more comfortable in her arms all day -- he just soaked it up! We are still tackling the "how-fast-can-you-change-a-diaper-before-they-pee-all-over-you/themselves/the wall", but I think we have it down. Today's issue was changing them and having them continue pooping after their diaper was off. Poor Nicole was literally in the middle of wiping Ellis' butt and he started pooping in the wipe. Then, I changed Logan and he had a fart/poop in which some of it went spraying out all over the changing table and a little on the floor. TMI? Gross? Yes to both, but it was definitely one of those things you couldn't help but laugh at! Unfortunately it didn't get warm enough for a comfortable walk outside, but hopefully if we don't have a completely rain soaked day tomorrow, daddy and I can take them around the neighborhood then. A HUGE thanks to Nicole also for bringing over dinner tonight -- lasagna rolls, ciabatta bread, carrots and dip. It was absolutely scrumptious!

Tomorrow we don't have anything planned as of yet. Possibly a walk around the neighborhood, maybe sneak in a nap or two while they are napping, who knows. Hopefully all of you are enjoying your weekend!


Nicole said...

oh man...and I just saw them yesterday! I think Ellis is on top, Logan is below. You should show do a post of them individually and see who gets it right! :)

I think today will be a better day for a walk, and lots of napping. Morgan and Parker are already in their shorts and tees, ready to go outside!

Unknown said...

Good job Nicole. You are right! I think it is getting easier and easier to tell them apart now but I will put some more pictures up tomorrow to see if others can tell

Founders said...

Love the poop stories..thanks for that! Definitely gross but you can't avoid it with the little ones! One time I had just finished giving Luke a bath and I had him squeaky clean and wrapped snuggly in his towel...I had my hand on his butt holding him while I was waiting for Jason to take him and lo and behold...poop right in my hand. Awesome! Luckily the towel provided somewhat of a barrier but, as you see everyday, breastfed poop can pretty much penetrate anything!! ;)