Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The past few days

Sunday we went for our first walk. It was the most beautiful day so we took a stroll around our neighborhood. Aside from a tad bit of fussiness as we got them in their car seats, they slept through the entire walk. Mom also realized how out of shape she was. Can't wait to go for more walks and not have such an issue breathing! =)
Yesterday was my first completely alone day with the kids. We definitely kept busy in the morning, but the afternoon just got away from us...as I hear often happens with little ones! I gave the boys a sponge bath -- they were not a big fan of being exposed and getting a bit wet, but that didn't surprise me since neither are fond of diaper changes. They did love being cuddled in their towel afterwards though! (Can anyone tell who is who, here? I think its starting to get easier to tell them apart, but maybe its because I'm with them everyday and I was the one to take the picture.)
The afternoon was full of diaper changes, feedings, and naps. Logan is quite the explosive pooper -- foamy yellow poop just shooting out of him, usually in the middle of a diaper change -- gotta love it!

Last night was a bit more tiring. They were up a bit more often, and with me pumping after feedings, it left me with little sleep. Thankfully they are sleeping a bit longer this morning, so I got to go back to bed for a short time. Looks like they might be in for their first growth spurt so its time to add more milk to their feeding and see if that helps. Well, I hear Logan in the background. Time to feed! =)

Happy Tuesday everyone!


gramm said...

I'm guessing the one on the right is Ellis. I'm glad they got the chance to enjoy the beautiful outdoors Sunday.

Valerie Chandler said...

From the pictures I think their ears are different.

donfrahm said...

Ellis is on the right. I can tell by the chin. I think!!

Unknown said...

Yup Ellis is on the right. Funny that you mention the chin dad because Troy and I were looking their profiles yesterday and noticed how different they were.