Monday, July 9, 2012

Squirt Zone and Macy's 2nd Mondays

Yesterday we headed to Lake St. Clair Metropark.  They have a splash pad, well, they call it Squirt Zone, that we thought we'd check out and wanted to head to the beach to get the boys exposed to that for this coming weekend's camping trip.

Squirt Zone was a HUGE hit!  Troy ran through the water holding the boys, to get them used to it, then put them down and boy did they have fun exploring on their own (I was too busy getting pictures and video!).  Logan, who was a bit hesitant when I took them to the Splash Pad, was good once Troy ran him threw the water a few times.  Here are some pictures (and a video at the end - mainly of Ellis!)

Ellis with daddy at first, 
but it didn't take long before he wanted to explore on his own

Logan exploring a bit once daddy ran him threw the water a few times
Logan really got into it when he ran right threw a fountain

Logan liked standing above it to feel it get him all over.
And walking right through it was fun too!
We knew it was time to get out when they started shivering and couldn't stop!
Time for a snack and warming up with a towel (and didn't fight us when we picked them up!)
Here is the video of Ellis checking everything out, while Troy was playing with Logan:

We only spent a little bit of time at the beach.  It was pretty rocky and the water was kind of mucky.  The boys did play in the sand a bit, though, before we headed home.  

Today, there was another Luke, Cole, and Macy playdate.  We headed to Greenfield Village for Macy's 2nd Mondays.  There were a few activities for the kids to do, a little arts and crafts activity, some music and dancing - all based around the theme of baseball.  The boys had fun with this little outdoor game.

They didn't quite get the idea of throwing the bean bags into the hole, but they had fun watching another little girl do it.

Barry, "The Guitar Guy", played some music for us.  He actually sang a train song and did the "choo choo" a few times and he seriously sounded like a real train.  Well, one time he got a bit too close to the boys for their liking and they got a bit upset.  Oops!

Then we settled down in the shade for a picnic lunch.  Lots of fun!

And on the way out, we got stopped by the train.  Jess and I left since our kiddies weren't really old enough to get the whole train ride thing, but Sheila, Luke, Caryn, and Cole stayed back to ride the train.  I'm guessing the boys loved it because anytime we saw a train the whole morning, they just shouted "train, train."  Can't wait until Logan and Ellis are excited about riding the train!

After we left, we headed to Grandma's house for a little visit.  Of course it was their naptime, but we quickly learned that there is NO way they were going to nap when we got there.  They made themselves at home rather quickly and wanted nothing to do with their nap (thankfully they napped on the way home and made it to bedtime without too much trouble!).

It's been a great couple days.  We are looking forward to another couple fun days before heading camping on Friday.  Hopefully everyone else is enjoying their week too!

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