Sunday, July 22, 2012

Laying Low

This week we pretty much just hung around the house - no huge plans, except for a trip to Ikea on Wednesday.  So, here is our past week in picture form (and not quite chronological order):

My mom joined us at Ikea, so we decided to meet at Tim Hortons first.  Ellis loved choosing his own timbit!
And Logan thought they were pretty good too!
They behaved very well at Ikea and did especially well in the kids area, checking out all the cool things!
Much to Ellis's dismay, we didn't get this tunnel, but he really liked it!
We went to Great Lakes Crossing on Friday so Troy and I could look for some new tennis shoes.  We had dinner there and made the mistake of sitting by the carousel.  They boys were mesmerized by it, loving the noises it made, and of course stopping to watch it until it stopped for the next round of kids.
This morning, before it got too hot, we were off to the park.  Such big boys they are to be able to go across the wobbly bridge all on their own.  And of course once they did it the first time, thats all they did is go back and forth..
When Troy went to check on the boys before we went to bed the other night, he found
Ellis sleeping like this.  Such a ladies man already!

The boys have always liked dumping water on them, so yesterday they got the idea to get the bigger pail full of water to dump on themselves.  Troy took it and splashed them with it and they loved it.  So, they had a bit of fun running around the yard while Troy got them with the pail of water.
Gotcha Logan!
Ellis's turn!

And in non-picture news: In addition to saying "sit", Logan is also saying "yes", and "yeah!".  When I asked Logan if he wanted his snack cup, he promptly looked up at me and said "yes" with that cute little "s" sound!  Then at the park, every time he crossed the bridge, he would say "yeah!".  

This week, we have a play date with Caryn and Cole, story time, and some outdoor ice activities planned - maybe some playdough making in our future too?!?  

1 comment:

gramm said...

Love the water pics! So looking forward to the boys talking.