Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A morning of sand, water, and chalk

I wasn't quite sure what our plan was this morning after our walk, because it was cooler than I was expecting outside, but the boys seemed content with playing outside, so outside it is.

Ellis did a great job with his scooping sand skills:

The boys are a bit more interested in crayons, so I pulled out some chalk the other day.  Here is Logan "drawing":

And after drawing, Logan, and in turn Ellis, thought it would be fun to throw all the chalk into the flowers:

Logan then started burying himself in the sand:

After he was all sandy, he promptly went to the water table to rinse off (then followed by a bath because it was ridiculous how much sand he had in his hair still):

1 comment:

gramm said...

Oh my, that video cracked me up! (Throwing the chalk in with the flowers is so them.)