Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Birthday USA!

Happy 4th of July everyone!  In preparation for today's holiday, we did a little bit of finger painting yesterday.  Here are the finished products:
Logan's art
Ellis's art

This week we've been trying to beat the heat.  On Monday after we took our walk, we cruised up to the elementary school in our subdivision and checked out the playground there.  I assumed it would be too big for them, but it was worth a shot - anything do-able in walking distance is cool with me!  One play set was actually pretty good for them.  Sure there were parts that were too advanced for them, but they had a good time.  One of the major cons, however, was that there was no shade.  Even at 10am, it was steamy!

Yesterday we did our painting, and I also got out some crayons to see if they had any interest in using them.  Logan was a little more interested than Ellis, but they both tried it out.

Logan's masterpiece
Of course with our on-and-off rainstorms yesterday (I'm not complaining - our grass LOVED it!), we came up with a few things to keep the boys entertained inside.  Aside from coloring, we attempted to make a fort.  I was looking for something a little more extensive than what I started with, but they were extremely excited at it, so I let them at it!  =)

They just loved walking in and out of it and standing in it.  Easy to amuse!  I love it!

Today we weren't sure what we were going to do, but after our morning walk, the boys ran right for their pool, so I got some things to keep them entertained outside and we stayed out there for a majority of the morning.  I'm not sure what is in store for this afternoon after they wake up from their nap, but Troy is already heading home from work (yes, he saw some clients today so he wouldn't have to cram them all in on other days when he takes a couple days off for camping), so we'll see.

Happy Independence Day everyone!  Enjoy your day!!!!

1 comment:

gramm said...

Happy 4th. Love all the pics.