Friday, July 6, 2012

A play date and our 15 month updates

Yesterday the boys and I spent the day at the Reaves' house.  Our plan was to go to the splash pad but because of the wicked storms the night before, there was no power at the park, thus no water and no splashing.  So, we went to another park down the street and played there until it got just way too muggy!

All the rain the night before left a puddle in the tunnel that the boys like splashing in.

After a steamy half hour at the park, we headed back to Nicole's for some water fun.
"Wow! How cool.  We have this water table too!"  The boys LOVE the water table...
...they love watering cans (real and play ones!)...
...and they love chairs that are just their size.
And after a quick lunch, Logan joined Parker at the pool...
...while Ellis joined Morgan on their blanket and started eating the peanut butter crackers that Parker didn't eat.  He acted as though I didn't feed him, but he apparently wanted more even after he ate his own entire lunch. 
"Thanks Aunt Nicole.  These are good!"
Today was the boys' 15 month appointments.  Here are the stats:

  • Logan: 22 lbs 4 oz (up 1 lb. in 3 months) and 31 inches long (up 1.25 inches in 3 months)
  • Ellis: 22 lbs 2 oz (up 1.5 lbs in 3 months) and 30.5 inches long (up .75 inches in 3 months)
Both boys hated the whole experience at the doctors.  Thankfully Troy was with me and this wasn't a solo trip.  They had 3 more shots (with the help of 2 nurses - 1 to hold their legs down, while 1 gave the shots and Troy held their torso down - I got to keep the other one calm in the hallway!).  It was not a good experience, but I was glad to hear that they were very healthy and growing well.  And at their 18 month appointment, they only get 1 shot!  Thank God!

Other news over the past few months:
  • All 4 of Logan's molars have popped through partially.  I'm quite surprised that I didn't know before it happened from past teething experience, but he showed no signs of discomfort to indicate they were coming through.  Ellis' gums are puffy, but no molars yet.
  • They LOVE climbing on everything they can get on to.  They successfully climbed on the couch in the family room for quite some time, which we wrongfully allowed them to play on.  Well, now they can get on the couch in the living room, the recliners in the basement, and even the dining room chairs.  This obviously wouldn't be a problem if we never let them play on the original couch, because now they want to play on everything they climb on, which has lead to a few falls, bruises, and tears.  We have been very adamant on making them sit on the furniture (and not allowing them to play on any of it), so much so that if they stand even a little bit we tell them to sit and if they don't, we take them off...
  •, it is no surprise that over the past couple days Logan has started saying "sit".  He isn't always using it in the right context, and frankly it sounds like he adds an additional "h" in there at times (which totally cracks me up) but I just love hearing his little voice.  Tonight, he was taking some of my craft stuff off my shelves and putting it in a container that was on the floor, and every time he put something in the container, he said "sit".  Don't worry bud - it's not going anywhere.  
  • They thoroughly enjoy running, which again leads to falling because their feet can't keep up with them.
  • They started using a fork and spoon, but haven't gotten very far.  Today when I gave them some watermelon (which they weren't too impressed with) and a fork, they had more fun using the fork to fling the watermelon out of the bowl, instead of trying to eat it.  
  • As mentioned before - they LOVE being outside.  Whether its at the park, in the pool, at the water table, at our house, at anyone else's house, the splash pad, etc. they rarely ever have a crying fit or cling to me (as Ellis has been doing lately).  They only get a bit fussy if we push their nap a little bit back.  
  • Being able to see Nicole, Morgan, and Parker more in the past few weeks has been awesome because they just stare at what their big cousins are doing.  Being in a new environment (with lots of fun toys) always helps, but there is nothing but smiles and kisses all around when we see them.  
  • Are way too kissy - in a good way.  Logan gives dainty little closed-mouth kisses and Ellis gives wide open-mouth, wet kisses.  Love them both and love that they give them on command.  They have even given each other kisses and yesterday as they were running towards each other to give kisses, they ran right into each other, fell down and started bawling.  Already learning that love hurts!  =)
I'm sure there are more little tidbits about them, but I've probably mentioned them in past blogs, as they happened.  For now, we'll end with 2 cute pictures of the boys giving each other kisses...

After a walk, I took Ellis out and he went back to where Logan still was and kissed him.  Of course I didn't have my camera ready right at that instant, so I told him to give him another one so I could capture it!

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