Thursday, May 2, 2013

A new month - a new challenge

First, I'll recap April's challenge.  My goal was to be more active.  Out of the 30 days in the month, I wanted be active for at least 20 minutes on at least 15 days.  I started out strong - running, and taking Bella for walks often during my Spring Break, but as the weather got dreary for what seemed like forever and the end of my class got closer, I kind of slipped a little bit.  Luckily, I pulled it off at the end of the month and ended up exactly with 15 days of activity!  A mini part of April's challenge was also to not use the elevator at work, again, to stop with the laziness and be more active.  I was 99% successful with that, only using the elevator once....I kind of forgot and after I was on with some other teachers, didn't think I should make a big deal and get off to use the steps.  Oh well!  =)

For May's challenge, I wanted to kick up my activity a notch and my goal is to do the Insanity Challenge.  I saw infomercials about it and heard some people talking about it on Facebook and though I'd give it a try.  Like anything, if you put your mind to it and dedicate yourself to it, you will be successful right?  Plus, summer is right around the corner, and it would be nice to not feel so self conscious when showing more skin, right?  So, I officially started on Sunday and as of today, I've completed 5 days so far.  My goal with this is definitely to tone up a little bit - and hey, losing that last 5 lbs that I've never been able to drop and keep off after the boys arrived 2 years ago, wouldn't be a bad thing either.  Also, this program lasts 60 days, so this challenge will be for May and June.  I'm hoping once I get more into the swing of these workouts to really adjust my eating too.  I've been more diligent with not eating junk and eating mindlessly, but I'm just in a rut with healthy meals, especially dinners.  If anyone has any good ideas, I'm all ears!

Anyone else have any goals for getting fit for the summer?

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