Thursday, May 2, 2013

A great first experience

Today was the boys first day with their speech therapy.  Troy took the day off and joined them at their Parent/Tot class and was home for their home visit - so all details below are from what Troy told me!

First things first, their Parent/Tot class seemed to go by super quick.  It was an hour long and was only with one other boy (usually there are a couple more, but only 1 more was there today).  It is very structured, time-wise, where the boys got to play freely for a few minutes, then they would do a variety of different structured activities.  Some activities included singing songs (which Troy said totally caught the boys attention), using a paint brush to "paint" with shaving cream, eating a snack, reading books, and other circle time.  During these activities, they enforced repeating words, using sign language, and teaching them to be gentle with the toys (and not throwing them, like they do at home some times -- oops!)  There is one adult there for each child so they get one-on-one time and they rotate amongst the kids to work on different skills.  They seemed to enjoy it, and before they knew it, they were cleaning up and it was time to go.

After their nap, a speech therapist and social worker came over to work with the boys for an hour at home - two adults since there were two kids.  The boys warmed right up to them, and they worked with the boys using their own toys.  Since Logan likes playing with blocks, they gave him choices of what color blocks to take and repeated how to say and ask for a block, how to signal for more blocks, etc.  Ellis showed off (and I LOVED hearing this) by pointing out all the picture flash cards we have (over 20) when Troy asked him to find certain ones.  We knew he could do this, but for whatever reason he wasn't interested last week when they were first evaluated.  The women were very impressed and marked it down on their sheets since recognizing items when asked was one of his goals.  HA - so there!  =)  When the ladies left, they gave high fives and Logan even blew them a kiss.  Everything seemed to go well and I can't wait until I get to take them next week.

Today after I got home, they were playing with the picture flash cards again and Logan started being more active with pointing out pictures.  He's always been more vocal, trying to say words, but not really reactive when we ask him to point things out, whereas Ellis is the opposite.  I was excited to see Logan starting to show interest in that.  Then, Troy went to go get gas for the lawnmower and when he was about to leave, Logan said "bye dada".  Love it.  I know, I know, most kids say these things by the age of 2, but I just love hearing him say things that I actually understand.  Heck, I still love when he waves and says "bye" to me in the morning!  Mama love her boys!!!!

1 comment:

gramm said...
