Sunday, May 5, 2013

Let the fun begin!

One week later, the boys playground set is finally up and ready to play on.  Starting last Saturday when a majority of the small intricate stuff was done, I took pictures every hour to show the progress.  Just looking at a picture of it, none of us would have realized all the small details that had to be done, but a huge thanks (again) to my dad for helping Troy labor through it all!

Last Saturday - Noon - all pieces are out of the box and separated by the number code written on the edge.

1pm - getting started...

2pm - putting together the frame for the swing set
 3pm -

4pm - starting to frame in the clubhouse off to the right

5pm -

6pm -

7pm -

8pm -

9pm - too dark to keep working =( but a lot of work was accomplished!

Sunday - Troy worked on putting the bench on the clubhouse and some siding on it before it started raining.

Yesterday - oops, forgot to take a picture after Troy put the door on, on Monday, but here is the finished product.  It's a little smaller than I thought (it's not easy deciding on what set to buy when you can only look at it in a photo), but its perfect for the boys and they LOVE it.  They immediately climbed up the ladder and went down the slide, over and over and over and over...  Oh yeah, and they love opening and closing the door too!

Then they were off to the swings (didn't get pics of that though, since they liked when I pushed them).

A little break to play chase with Grandpa while Troy put the finishing touches on it (Ellis does NOT like the sound of the drill, so Grandpa distracted them)...

Then back to the slide, over and over (again)

Think they like it?

The only NOT fun part was getting them back in the house.  It was about 8pm and about 30 minutes past their bedtime.  So, we thought we'd take them in.  All they did was scream, scream, and scream.  We tried bribing them/calming them down with a snack but they didn't really care for a good 5 minutes.  I felt horrible but they were definitely getting tired and needed to get to bed.  They will have many more days of fun this summer, and I can't wait!!!

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