Wednesday, August 31, 2011

How does time go so fast?

I know I say this every month, but 5 months old already? I can't believe it. Here is what the boys have been up to lately...
  • At the beginning of the month, they started moving toys back and forth between their hands while. Also, they have become really good at grabbing toys in front of them, while balancing themselves with their other hand, while on their belly.
  • During tummy time, they've also started to push up on their arms, instead of just resting on their elbows. This is mainly when they are really trying to reach for something, but its still crazy to think of all the strength they already have to do this.
  • They have been sleeping unswaddled at night, successfully, for most of the month. They take some naps unswaddled too, but some are still swaddled. Sometimes I feel like it helps calm them down a bit to be swaddled for naps, but other times if they are tired enough, they don't even need it.
  • This month they have started rice cereal. At first, they didn't like it (as mentioned here), but now they are taking it like champs! We also introduced applesauce and peas and they love both. I think they actually look forward to it now! Later this week I hope to whip up some sweet potatoes. Man, I love the Beaba!
  • In fact, Logan is so excited when it comes time to eat, he will let you know if you aren't fast enough -- whether by fussing until more food comes to his mouth, or trying to "help" by holding onto the spoon when it enters his mouth so you can't take it out.
  • Their hair is definitely coming in thicker and darker now. Their eyes are changing too. They are a hazel color now, but wouldn't be surprised if they changed to brown before all is said and done.
  • They are using their feet A LOT more lately. Ellis is really good at pinning things with his feet, whether it is a toy or even your arm when you are trying to feed him. Future UFC fighter in the making! Logan is using his feet but more in order to help him move. Sometimes when he is in his boppy or bouncer, he'll use his feet to lift his butt up to squirm out of the seat, or if he's on his tummy, he uses his legs to do an army crawl. Ellis's favorite thing to do lately is grab his feet...he has his own new toy now!
  • Speaking of toys, Ellis uses his pacifier for a toy too. It's funny to see him in his crib with a pacifier in his mouth, then he takes it out to play with it before putting it back in his mouth. Well, only sometimes does it make it back to his mouth. Other times he just uses it as something to play with.
  • I think they're other favorite toys are their fingers. They just LOVE to stick them in their mouth. If its not another toy in their mouth, its their fingers -- and not just one or two -- it's their whole fist.
  • And as I mentioned before, the boys are doing wonderful during the day with my mom. I can't say it enough. I am so grateful that the boys get to spend the day with her (plus I think they love all the new toys they get to play with over there!)
  • Logan is just barely trying to sit up on his own. One day I had him sitting up between my legs and he leaned forward instead of resting on my chest. He wasn't up for long before he started to topple, but he tried. I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't long before he is able to sit up for more than just a few seconds.
  • There is no official doctor appointment for 5 months (thank goodness, no shots either), so I have no growth updates at this point...1 more month for that!
That's it for now. School starts officially on Tuesday so I really hope I can do a better job with updating the blog. My dad and Nicole joked that I should give my mom my password so she can update the blog since she probably has more pictures than I do lately...not sure she's up for that though (haha!). Really though, I will do my best even if it is just a snapshot here and there. It's just amazing how fast the night goes by the time we get home, make dinner, relax a bit, prep for the next day and then its time for bed.

And last but not least -- Happy Birthday to Grandma Bush! Hope you have a great day!


Nicole said...

Great update! Cannot believe they are 5 months old today. They look like little boys in the last picture! I must come see you soon - miss you all!! XO to those sweet little boys. Aunt Nicole loves you so much! P.S. Maybe mom can start her own grandma's daycare blog. :)

Happy Camper Grandma Bush said...

The boys are singing to me!!!!

gramm said...

Oh my, it does look like they're singing. Nicole--just what I need, another reason to be on the computer. ha ha