Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day weekend recap

We've had a pretty good weekend over here. It was definitely nice to have a 4 day weekend before school starts tomorrow. We got a lot done, saw some family and friends, and squeezed in a little bit of time to relax.

Friday was partly relaxing, partly working. Troy spent a portion of the day downstairs sanding the second coat of mud, while I hung out with the boys. Our cute picture of the day -- Bella giving kisses to Logan..
We also tried some sweet potatoes on Friday. They loved them just as much as the peas! I'm glad they are not having any trouble with the little bit of food they are trying out. They definitely aren't fussing like they did when they first tried rice cereal and they seem to like the new foods quite a bit. I'm thinking about trying bananas next...gotta get another fruit in there besides applesauce!

On Saturday my parents came over. My dad came to help Troy with the drywall. Troy is SO wanting this part of the basement to be done with, so with an extra set of hands, they were able to get the 3rd coat of mud on, fairly quickly considering the big space they had to work on. Troy is hoping to sand that sometime this week and then see where any little touch-ups need to be done. Maybe we'll paint the ceiling next weekend? While the guys were working hard, my mom and I just chatted and played with the boys.

On Sunday, we visited with the Chandlers. They also invited over an old friend from college (a long-time friend of Derek's), Doug, along with his wife Danica, and son Logan. We had an awesome dinner and a good time catching up with everyone. Logan was so close to sitting on his own yesterday. Well, actually, he did for 5-10 seconds before starting to topple. I guess I don't know how long they have to remain steady before you can actually say that he can sit on his own, but I was one proud mama! Ellis is working on it to, but definitely prefers laying on his tummy. Val also got some great pictures of the boys.
This has got to be one of my all-time favorite pictures of Logan so far..thanks Val for capturing some good ones! =)

Today we got a lot of stuff around the house done. Cleaning, baking, ironing, blah blah. We also tested out some new bottle/sippy cups with the boys. They have an interchangeable nipple/sippy "nipple" and looks very similar to a bottle, but has handles on it so they can get used to holding it themselves. I just put water in it to see if they would get the idea and they did pretty good for the first time. Of course I had to hold them like they were drinking a bottle, but they've held their bottle off and on in the past few weeks (not for a long time by any means), so I thought it was worth a shot.
I'm not sure how they'd react to the other sippy nipple but for now, it's all about practicing to hold it on their own.

Well, thats about it for us. I'm LOVING this cooler weather. I can't wait to bust out the hoodies and sweatpants. I'm also looking forward to cider and donuts (jealous, but not surprised, that you already hit up the cider mill Nicole!), football, and snuggling up on the couch with blankets! Don't get me wrong -- I'm probably going to be the first to complain when it gets cold enough for snow, but I'm okay if the 90's don't ever return this year.

Happy Labor Day and to all my teacher friends, happy first day of school tomorrow!!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I LOVE all of the photos! I'm glad the baby food thing is going better. See, they just wanted some REAL food. :) Looking forward to seeing your basement soon. I know we can relate to the whole 'can't wait until this renovation is over!' thing. I hope you are able to get in a groove soon and not feel so busy busy. XO to all.