Saturday, September 17, 2011

This week

What can I say? I just can't get ahead. I'm still trying to figure out how to have a better balance between home and work once I get home from work but that means that some things I've been doing in the past get put to the end of my list...such as blogging. Hopefully a few pictures and a video will be okay for those of you who have been wondering where I've been lately..

Ellis after his bath. We've been giving Logan some funky hair-do's in the past -- today was Ellis's turn!

Bella just wanted to share some of her love with Ellis -- a big fat kiss on the lips!

Ellis has been playing with his feet for quite a while now, but just recently got them all the way to his mouth.

Ellis seemed to think that the little bear on Logan's butt was a toy. Not only did he get a hold of it, but he was able to grab it good enough to stick it in his mouth (where EVERYTHING seems to be going lately).

Logan enjoys sticking his butt up in the air. He is seriously trying to move, although Ellis definitely has him beat with moving around on his stomach and rolling to get to where he needs to be. I'm actually quite shocked because Logan used to be Mr. Independent, but Ellis is definitely more content on his belly playing for longer periods of time, compared to Logan. Logan gets more agitated and has a bit of a shorter attention span, compared to Ellis.
And a little video. Before changing Logan or Ellis, sometimes we'll wave the diaper over their face. It's a bit hard to catch on video, but its hilarious how Logan blinks his eyes a bunch and makes gulping sounds like he's trying to taste the air and catch his breath. So funny!

Nothing else too new around here. Both boys are sticking anything and everything in their mouths lately and drooling like crazy, but still no major signs of teething (no swollen gums or white showing). We did try oatmeal this week, but right now we're putting that one on the back burner. Logan got sick later and threw up all over me during his bottle right before bed. We're not sure if it was because of a reaction to the oatmeal or if maybe the oatmeal just filled him up more than the rice and he didn't need the bigger bottle before bed. The next morning, he woke up and his skin was red all over, which to me makes me think of an allergic reaction. His behavior definitely didn't indicate anything was wrong (aside from crying after he threw up the night before), so who knows. We're back with the rice for now and all is good!

Today was a fun day spent with my mom and sister for our monthly crafting day. I'm still working on Ellis's 1 month album that my mom gave to me. I'm done with Logan's, but only half way done with Ellis's. I'm hoping that after our October gathering, I'll have it done. That might be kind of wishful thinking considering we (or maybe just I) talk so much that I don't get as much done as I could if I just got to work, but I will definitely be close. Tomorrow brings some football watching, grocery shopping, and cleaning up the basement. We're just about ready to paint the ceiling, but must clean up the drywall mess first (which is totally no fun..just ask Troy!). Hope everyone is enjoying their beautiful weekend!


Founders said...

I love the blanket the boys are playing on!! These pictures are too cute! :)

Nicole said...

They are so so cute! And I love the video - the gasping is pretty funny. :) I had such a good time today. I must get my butt over to your house before these little guys start crawling! XO

gramm said...

Ellis' turn for a sloppy kiss from Bella! :)