Wednesday, September 28, 2011


There are not enough hours in a day. I mean, I knew I would be busy once I went back to work, but wow! I feel lucky that it is now 8:45pm and I am actually sitting down tonight. Last night I didn't sit down at all -- I even pumped before bed while making more pureed sweet potatoes for the boys.

I think part of it is the fact that we are still working on our basement so every free minute is spent down there. BUT, there is light at the end of that tunnel. Tomorrow Dan is installing a door to our mechanical room and finishing up our electrical. The lights are hung. Friday, Troy is painting the first coat of paint (with hopes of the second coat being done Saturday or Sunday). Then next Friday we are having our carpet installed. If all goes well, next weekend we can actually move the basement furniture and storage boxes back down there, with only the molding left to put up. It will be nice to have our living room and family room back (all of our basement stuff is stored there). Don't get me wrong...I am SO happy with how the basement is turning out, and I'm grateful for all the help we've had with this, but perhaps for my sanity, we shouldn't have started this big project the weekend before I went back to work.

The other part of it is that the boys are no longer taking a little nap between 7-8pm. We usually feed them for bed at 8pm, but couldn't usually make it that late, so they took a short nap before bed. Yes, we could just put them to bed at 7pm, but since they eat dinner at 5:30, I highly doubt they are ready for their bedtime bottle 1.5 hours later. Monday, even after they were rubbing their eyes and starting to fuss, they fought us with taking this nap. So, I just let them start playing again and they were fine. Last night they didn't even show signs of wanting to sleep at 7pm and again tonight, the same thing happened. Now I need to figure out how to get things done that I used to do in that one hour.

Enough of the "woe am I"...I know. I just need to be better at prioritizing things and use my time more wisely, both at home and at work. I need to realize that not everything on my to-do list has to be done every day. There are millions of working moms out there that very successfully manage both home and work life. I just need to find that balance still. Any advice is welcome =) Who wants to do work when you get home though, when you have these two cuties in your life?

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Dropping that third nap is tough, just wait until they go from 2 naps to one. I fought that one for a long time! :) I don't know how you working moms do it, but even being a SAHM, I can say that it gets A LOT easier when you aren't making baby food and bottles all the time. There is certainly an ebb + flow to having young kids. Some days are easier than others, until the next issue/challenge comes up.

And can I just say, holy cow, those little cuties are 6 months old!?! I don't know if it's just me but when I look back at when Morgan and Parker were this old, I don't remember the tough times. Well, other than Parker's sleeping issues. :) I hope once your basement is done that you have a little bit more time to breath. And sit down. XO