Friday, August 5, 2011

Clean bill of health

At four months...
Ellis weighed in at 13lbs. 10oz. and measured 24.25 inches long.

Logan weighed in at 13lbs. 12 oz and measured 25 inches long.

Both boys are growing well and the doctor was happy to hear about how much they were eating and sleeping. She also gave us the green light to start rice cereal...yeah!!! Of course it might be a while before the amount they eat really means anything, but now we can start having them practice eating something off of a spoon...which just gives me an excuse to go buy some cute bowls and spoons right?!? They also got 3 immunizations today -- 1 orally (we love those!) and 2 shots (not so much fun). We had a bottle on hand and after brief screaming, fed them right away and now they are sleeping like champs!

As far as this weekend goes, tomorrow my parents are coming over to help us clean up the "hot mess" of a flower garden (if you want to call it that), that is in the front corner of our yard. On Sunday -- another scrapbooking day with my mom and sister. Logan's 1 month album is about 98% done and I'm starting Ellis's album. I will post pictures of my favorite layouts once they are all done!

Happy Friday everyone. Enjoy your weekend!!

Edited to add:
  • We did ask the doctor about DNA tests. She actually asked why we wanted to have one knowing that they were in different sacs and placentas (meaning that they are most likely fraternal). Yeah, a 25-30% chance that they split early (meaning they would be identical) is low, but I'm still curious. She said to call back on Monday to talk to a specific nurse regarding how much DNA tests cost at Beaumont. I did ask about the internet DNA tests, but also mentioned I wasn't sure how reliable they are..they seem a bit "Jerry Springer-ish" to me, but she didn't give her opinion about that either. Troy and I will have to discuss this further... (thanks Nicole for reminding me)
  • Also, I forgot to mention earlier that she also said that their eye color is definitely changing. My little blue-eyed babies won't be blue eyed much longer. She's not sure obviously, what color they will end up, but she did note a difference in their color.


Nicole said...

Wow, they are only 2 ounces apart! Cool! Did you ask about DNA testing to see if they identical?

Also, I have some Beeba spoons for you. I'll bring them Sunday. :)

gramm said...

Gotta love Beeba! I love the good report! (I got my fingers crossed for brown eyes, surprised huh)