Monday, June 3, 2013

to enjoy

This is my challenge for June - to enjoy.  To enjoy what, you ask?  Anything I want!

I feel like I'm always going going going.  But, then again, what parent doesn't, right?  Well, now that summer is practically here, I want to make sure I soak up every moment I can.  I feel like I'm putting a lot on the back burner because of things I have to do.  Plus as another birthday passes I sit back and realize how time is just flying by.  I don't want to keep rushing through life moving at high speeds all the time, especially with two little ones.  So, make better use of my time, be intentional with the things I choose to do, and I should have no problem finding time to enjoy the things I want to do.  Seems easy, right?  Well, not quite, considering we still have 3 weeks of school, so I'm not quite in the clear with that yet.  Luckily things are simmering down, so I don't have as much work to do now as I did in past months.  It's amazing too, how fast time goes by once the boys are in bed - my "me" time.  I do a few things to prep for the next day and I turn around twice and it's time to go to bed, it seems.  Also, I have started tutoring someone on the side (and possibly have another person lined up to tutor over the summer), so I still have some things that I'm committed to.

So, to start small, I'm forcing myself to do at least 1 thing after the boys go to bed that I want to do, without feeling guilty about not doing something I should be doing instead.  Some of you may be wondering about my May challenge (which I may have purposely neglected to mention until now), of completing the Insanity workouts.  I did complete the first month of workouts.  I lost a few pounds and I have toned up just a bit in some trouble spots and have definitely gotten stronger.  I did have a debate with myself, however, with continuing with the second month of workouts, right now.  Sure, it seems obvious to continue, especially if I've seen some results, but now the workouts are longer - about 50-60 minutes instead of 30-40 minutes.  And, with the boys bedtime at 8pm and then running downstairs to workout for an hour, followed by a shower and prepping for the next day I literally have no ME time.  Yes, I guess working out is ME time, but not the sit down, relax, just chill ME time.  And I guess, thats what I really want right now.  I want to sit on the deck at night with a wine smoothie (or beer) in hand, or chill in front of the TV and catch up on a show I have recorded.  I want to catch up with friends I haven't talked to in a while, I want to catch up on my scrapbooking...  Sure, if I want to workout I will, but I don't want to do something because I'm going to feel guilty if I don't do it.  I want to enjoy every last second of this summer - slow down a little bit and just enjoy the small things.  I did battle this idea of "giving up" on something I started, but have finally come to grips with it because I'm not totally throwing away the idea of finishing it - I'm just going to finish it at a later time.

So, there you have it.  My goal is to enjoy something every day this month.  To do at least one thing that I want, not necessarily need to do, after the boys go to bed.  I will continue doing the Insanity workouts when I decide to, and hopefully pick them up more consistently once I'm out of school for the summer when I have fewer obligations.  Let's have a fun, enjoyable, more carefree start to the summer!

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