Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The past 24

I have experience quite a range of emotions over the past 24 hours:

Sunday night - 
  • Happiness: Going to a sushi party and having a great time catching up with good friends - watching the boys play with their friend Luke - seeing their reaction when they played with their first drum set!  
  • Frustration: Coming home to find that our air conditioner wasn't working correctly.  Our house was not very cool and after some inspection of the pipes downstairs, they were frozen.  Not fun to worry about after a warm day with too much to do in a short amount of time before bed.
  • Tired: After maybe 4.5 hours of sleep last night - tossing and turning thinking about today's events, trying to fall asleep in a warm house, and staying up trying to get the things done that I needed to do - my alarm was going off and Bella promptly stuck her nose in my face indicating it was time for her to go out.
  • Thrilled: To get a text message shortly after I woke up, from a close friend, sharing the news of the birth of her son.  He's such a cutie pie - I'm beyond excited for the new mommy and daddy.  And the kicker of it all - the baby shares his birthday with his daddy and uncle.  How cool is that?  It's crazy to know that this is our 3rd close friend that had a baby within the past month. 
  • Nervous: Today was part 2 of an interview in a way awesome school district close to home.  It would be beyond a dream to teach here.  Last week I was 1 of 2 people that passed the first round and had to go in to teach a lesson today.  Why am I nervous?  I've been teaching for 10 years, but then again you never know what they are looking for.  
  • Confident: Leaving the lesson, I was pretty confident.  The kids were pretty receptive and although I didn't get through my entire lesson in the short 30 minutes I had to teach it, I thought it still went well.
  • Bittersweet: After the lesson, I headed to work to finish cleaning up my room and do my class records.  I was there for only a couple of hours before I said my goodbyes.  Yup, the UPA chapter of my life is closing.  A bit bittersweet because I worked with some pretty awesome people that I hope to keep in touch with, I will miss working and chatting with them on a daily basis, but it is time for me to move on to a more positive work environment.  Aside from the earlier interview today, I have another job option that I agreed to take.
  • Disappointed: Just as I was about to wrap up at UPA, I got a call from the other school already. Unfortunately, I was not chosen for the position they had.  They said that I didn't do anything wrong - my interview and lesson were done very well - but it was mainly because they had a lot of people on the team I'd be working on with similar characteristics as me and they wanted a more diverse group of teachers working together.  I could analyze this over and over and try to figure out what exactly that means, but it isn't going to change the outcome.  Disappointed, yes, but I also have to remember the pros of working at the other school I committed to just a week before this other school even called. Sure this school had it's perks too, but I know I will be happy working at UYA in the fall.  
  • Thankful: After wrapping up everything at work, I headed to my moms to pick up the boys.  As hard as it is to make changes, we have decided to put the boys in a more socialized day care setting next year.  It has been so comforting to know the boys were in such good hands the past 2 years, knowing that she had their best interest in hand, that schedules could be followed, that she would give them their one-on-one time, and especially develop the immensely strong bond that she has with them.  I can not express in words how thankful and appreciative I am that my mom has taken such good care of the boys over the past two years.  It was such a relief, especially as a new mom, to know that they were in such good hands.  And gosh, nothing beats the bond between grandparents and their grandchildren, you know!?!  This one was no different.  Those boys love their grandma more than anyone can know and I know they will miss spending every day with her, but we also know that giving them more social interaction will be good for them in the fall, especially to develop their speech a bit more.  Mom, I can not thank you enough for everything that you've done for us and them over the past two years.  And although you might not see them every day, I hope you know how important you are in their life and how much they love you.  We will just have to make sure to make more weekend visits and play dates whenever we can!
  • Thankful (again):  The air conditioner was an easy (and cheap) fix.  Less than $100 for the repair and service call and we have a cool house again - PHEW!
  • Content:  School's over - summer has officially begain.  Lots of things have transpired in the past day but most of it was very positive.  Sure, I didn't get my dream job but I have to believe that everything happens for a reason and it just wasn't meant to be.  But you know what?  I'm okay with that.  On the wonderfully positive side, I get to spend the next two months with my boys and do lots of fun things with them, our friends, and family, and for that, I'm extremely grateful!
Happy Summer everyone!

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