Sunday, March 17, 2013

Only 2 weeks to go...

...until we have official 2 year olds running around here.  Crazy how time flies!

Things have been pretty busy around here, but not a ton of things worth noting, hence the lack of blog updating.  Between that and the crabby mood I was in last weekend, for some unknown reason, I really haven't had any energy to blog.  Either that or when I did think of something to write, I've been too busy to actually do it.

So while I don't have too much to say, here is a little update of our random happenings around here:

Last Friday (the 8th), Val and Delevan came over to hang out after work.  It was so cute to see Delevan walking now.  I still think it's so adorable to see babies as they start to walk and gain their confidence walking.  Before you know it, he will be running around just like Logan and Ellis.  Ellis had a lot of hugs to give away that night.  Lately when people come over, he seems a little hesitant.  Almost like "why are you in my house?".  Well, after he warmed up to Val, he just kept running up to her, giving her hugs.  It was so funny.  One time Del was close to her and I think he was wondering who this kid was giving his mommy a hug.  Too funny!

I finally got my test score back from my 2nd test - 99%!  I was a little upset to originally get it back and see an 81% on it, so I flipped through it to see what I got wrong and only saw one little mark on it.  So I quickly added up the points the professor wrote down for each problem and realized he miscounted - he actually forgot to add the 18 points on the last page.  Phew!  Hopefully I do just as well on the test coming up this Tuesday!

Yesterday was Cole's 3rd birthday party (the son of a friend I used to work with).  It was at a farm and despite the fresh snow we got overnight, it was still fun!  Unfortunately, Mr. Sensitive (aka Ellis) wasn't too much of a fan of the loud noises the goats made, so he didn't make it into the barn.  Apparently all the animal sound books and apps we have weren't enough to prepare him for the real deal.  I was about to take Logan in when all of a sudden, the second we walked in, a goat was literally 2 feet from his face and scared the crap out of him.  That shock, made him do a 180 and run out of the barn himself.  So, after we tried calming them down without much luck, Troy and I took them back to the little classroom area and they hung out inside for a while.  I went back outside to catch up with everyone and caught a glimpse of some of the animals myself.

Despite me trying to repeat "Llama Llama Red Pajama" Ellis was NOT fond of Mr. Llama or his goat friends.
We'd rather stay inside and play.

I wish I got a better picture of this rabbit, but it was seriously the biggest one I've ever seen.  

Another picture of Mr. Llama 
A good ole' game of chase with daddy, inside.
We then went for a little tractor ride and saw some horses.  One of them was really close to the tractor and I just felt Logan grip onto my hands a little tighter, but he didn't make a peep.  Once back inside, the kids had some cake and ice cream.  Logan loved it and ate it up, while Ellis loved running around.

Happy Birthday Cole!
Just a warm-up to eating cake and ice cream next week.  He LOVED it.
Around here, the boys have been really good with playing both with each other and independently.  Logan's favorite toy lately has been the mega-blocks.  He likes to stack them on the "car" piece and see how high he can stack the blocks - then knock it over and try again.  What's so funny is that he really only likes to use the blue pieces and no matter how many times he knocks it over, he likes it when the pieces are level with each other on both sides.  If it isn't level, he takes them off and tries again.  
Ellis's favorite toys have been the play food they got with their kitchen back at Christmas time.  This boy loves his waffles (in real life) and also loves the fake ones.  Not a day goes by where he isn't playing with/carrying around this darn waffle.

Logan has been Mr. Daredevil lately and may seriously be our child that we need to make a conscious effort to keep active.  He uses Troy as his jungle gym, likes to slide off the couch on his belly with nothing below him (like pillows) to catch his fall, stacks up storage containers to walk across, likes to climb on tables and stand up on them, and can sometimes stay awake in his crib for more than 30 minutes after his normal bedtime just jumping away in his crib.  Sure, we could extend his bedtime, but he already is grumpy in the morning when we have to wake him up.  He's content and has very few meltdowns during the course of a day, but dang, I can't wait for the warmer weather so he can run and play outside and exert more energy that way.  Their trampoline sure has gotten some good use over the past few months.  

Ellis on the other hand, has his moments - looks like he got this trait from me.  He does have a few more tantrums than Logan, but also handles having time-out better than Ellis - although I think it's because he has had more timeouts than Logan and knows the routine better, so I'm not really sure that's a good thing!  He has this thing lately of chest bumping Logan and I think Logan really thinks he is going to hug him and then gets upset when he bumps him.  So, sometimes he likes to play rough and sometimes he is my little cuddle bunny.  Whereas Logan could probably be up another 30-60 minutes every night, Ellis could probably go to bed 30-60 minutes before their normal bedtime.  Today, it wasn't even dinner time and Ellis grabbed a pillow off the couch and his blanket and laid it down on the floor to get covered up (and of course I put another blanket on him after that because he looked so cuddly).  

Around 6:30 tonight I was cleaning some grapes and Ellis came up to me with his blanket and stood between me and the counter and just looked up at me.  With that cute little look, I knew he wanted to sit down with me, so how could I resist?  We went and sat down on the couch together.  I love those cuddle times because that is one thing I know won't last forever.  

As for me, like I said, last weekend I was just in a funk.  I couldn't put my finger on the cause of it - just a blah feeling.  Well, this week, although I can't really share everything that has made me happier, I can happily say I'm out of my funk.  When I was watching one of my guilty pleasures, "Biggest Loser" last week, I saw that Jillian Michaels is going to be at the Fox Theater in May.  I always say how I wish she would whip me into shape.  She is one mean trainer sometimes, but I wish I had someone to yell at me and tell me to get off my butt once in a while - I need some motivation to get moving lately.  So, I talked to Nicole and we decided that we are going to go see her in May.  I figure it's the perfect timing because my class will be over, the weather will be getting warmer and I will have no excuse to not get back in shape, especially since school will be ending soon too.  So, I'm looking forward to that - plus an excuse to have a night out with my sister is exciting too!

I also have another math test this week and usually that means that the week before my test, I don't get any chance to do anything but study.  Although this section has it's fair share of formulas to study and tricky things to remember, I definitely feel more confident about this test than the last two, and I haven't had to devote every second of the week/weekend to studying, which has been great!

This weekend I also spent some time preparing for the boy's birthday party next weekend.  I made some cupcake toppers and other little decorations.  I also went shopping for a few things and I'm pretty excited about their party next weekend.  I do have a few more things to do during the week but figured I'd wait until after my test Tuesday to focus on those things.  

Thursday is also the official start of College Basketball Championships.  I usually fill out a bracket to compete with some of Troy's co-workers, and plan to do so this year too.  It's funny because I've won the past two years so this year some of his co-workers asked if I was playing.  What's even funnier is that I literally watch less than 5 games all season and put very little time into researching teams and their season.  I just don't have the time to do that.  So, we'll see if I can win for a 3rd straight year or if my streak is over...

I also got a very nice text message from my mother-in-law.  Without going into details, it definitely put a smile on my face and was greatly appreciated!

And as for my last piece of happy news, which is probably what has made me the happiest over the weekend, I really can't share that yet - I don't want to jinx myself of the possible upcoming opportunity and I don't want the information to really spread too far yet since nothing is definite.  I'll leave those details to share in the coming month or two if anything comes of it.  

Alright, enough for now.  I'm exhausted and need to get to bed.  I hope everyone had a good and safe St. Patrick's Day and hope everyone has a great week.  I also really hope that the Chandler's (who are in Key West) and Mark and Nicole (who are in Jamaica) bring some of the sun and warmth back with them when they return home tomorrow.  I know, it's only March and we have had snow up through April, but I'm over it.  

1 comment:

Nicole said...

LOVE all the cute photos!! Can't wait to see everyone this weekend, you secret keeper. ;)