Sunday, March 24, 2013

A DINO-mite time!

Yesterday we celebrated the boys 2nd birthday.  It technically isn't until next weekend (Easter to be exact), but we thought it would be easier celebrating on a non-holiday weekend!  

We decided on a dinosaur theme mainly because the boys were in the habit of bringing Troy and I the same two books to read, over and over, and they were both dinosaur related.

Some pre-party fun:
I barely brought the balloons in from the car and the boys eyes lit up and they weren't instantly amused by them!

Time for the guests to show up!  A little bit of playing and some fun with balloons. I've realized now that as long as balloons are at the party, all the kids will have fun - no need for other decorations (at least at this age)!

Morgan did a good job "selling" the balloons too.  The going rate was between $0.50 and $7! =)
Even Delevan kept a balloon in each hand for a while in the afternoon.
Keeping the kids happy is the name of the game!
After a majority of the guests showed up, it was time to eat!  We had dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets for the kids and we had Subway cater subs for the adults.  Then we had a slew of dinosaur-based snacks - pasta salad (pastaraptor salad), fruit (fruitasaurus salad), doritoes (doratadon chips), bugles (dinosaur claws), pretzels with mini-marshmellows at the ends dipped in white chocolate (dinosaur bones), dinosaur fruit snacks, and of course dinosaur cookies.

A picture from the night before when I made them!
After eating, the kids played a bit and then we had cupcakes and ice cream. The boys weren't all about having to sit down, and seemed a bit confused when everyone started singing.  They (with help) blew out their candles and it was time to eat.  Logan started eating his frosting, but never made it down to the cupcake before wanting to get down.  Ellis wanted nothing to do with it.  I cut the cupcake into pieces, but he started whining and just wanted to get down.  So what 2 year old wants nothing to do with cupcakes?  Apparently ours!

Time to open gifts.  Lots of fun stuff from awesome friends and family - including a basketball hoop, t-ball set, touch-and-feel flash cards with shapes, colors, vehicles, an ABC book, shoes, hot wheels cars, cool totes, a play parachute, sidewalk chalk, and some money to put towards their playground set that we are getting for them once this snow melts!  So much fun stuff to play with!

We did learn though that next year we could probably save money and just get big boxes that can be walked on, and some empty bags to put over their heads (I know, this is definitely a safety issue - I'm being sarcastic here), and they will have hours of fun!

A huge thank you to every one who came.  We love you all and glad you could share our fun day with us!  

1 comment:

Nicole said...

love love love!! Happy Birthday to the coolest almost 2-year olds I know! :)