Saturday, March 2, 2013

Another month down

So far, I'm shocked at how fast 2013 is flying by.  Anyone else feel that way?

Now that February is over, I sit here assessing my February goal - to stay off social media, blogs, games on my iPad and phone, etc. after 8:30pm.  My reasoning was to utilize my time doing other, more important, things that I always complained of having not enough time for.

And to be quite honest, I didn't do so well.  I'm actually quite shocked at how easy it was to "forget" about the goal I made for myself.  The first weekend, Superbowl Sunday in fact, during halftime, I picked up my phone and was browsing different things for a few minutes before realizing I shouldn't even be on it.  Last month, I craved candy and pop but since I didn't have any in the house, as much as I wanted it, it wasn't within reach, therefore a little easier to not have.  This time around, my phone didn't just leave at 8:30, and usually it wasn't too far away from me, making it harder to not use.  Also, if I lost track of time, I sometimes didn't realize it was after 8:30 and picked up my phone like it wasn't a big deal.

Despite my failed goal, I would say I have been much better with not staying on my phone or iPad long during those times I shouldn't have even been on it.  I didn't lay in bed catching up with my "Words with Friends" and other such games on my phone.  I didn't aimlessly read blogs as time ticked away.  So, it wasn't a complete loss.  I did catch up with most of my scrapbooking that I wanted to get done and I did get on the treadmill a few times (more at the beginning of the month when my motivation was higher).

I'll be back in a day or so to talk about March's challenge...  Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

That was a tough challenge for February - I think you did good! I'm staying off FB this month and removed the bookmark from my browser and deleted the app on my phone to avoid temptation. Hope that does the trick. :)

Can't wait to see what you choose for March.