Saturday, March 2, 2013

29 more days...

...until the boys are officially 2 years old.  I can hardly believe it.  This year, their birthday is on Easter so we will be celebrating the weekend before their actual birthday, which makes it feel as though it is creeping up even faster!

We've had a decent week around here, and with an unexpected snow day off, we've had some fun in the snow as well.

Tuesday night/Wednesday morning we got roughly 5-6 inches of snow.  This is about double what my parents got, who live in the same vicinity as the school I work at, so I'm surprised we had a snow day, but I'm not complaining.  This called for some fun outside.  After a little less struggle to get all their outside gear on, I pulled both boys around the yard in the sled.  Logan wanted to be an adventuere though and enjoyed just walking around in the snow (staring at me in amazement when I made a snowball and threw it for Bella to try to catch), so I showed Ellis a fun way to sled - on his belly.  He thought it was so funny....but of course once I stopped to take a picture of him, he stopped smiling - as if saying "why are you stopping mom?"

Just checking out the mountain of snow on the deck that I was using to make snow balls.  He thought it was pretty cool when I threw them in the air so they would splat on the deck.   
On Thursday, we had our Black History Program at school.  It was from 5-7pm so instead of taking the boys home and coming back, I just kept them at school with me and let them play around while I checked out some student's projects.  And it is no surprise that they ran right to the computers in my room and acted like they knew how to use them!
Earlier this week, Troy put together the boys picnic table that they got from Uncle Shaun and Aunt Julie for Christmas.  We were going to wait for spring and have it for outside, but I figured that maybe they'd like a table inside for sitting at and playing too.  Of course we don't have the umbrella on it in the house - we just put it up to see it completely put together.  And they love it.  Whenever I get a snack for them, they run to it and sit down to eat it.  They play with their puzzles and look at books there too!
They've had lots of fun jumping on their trampoline too.  It's crazy how high they are jumping on it, and if only I had video of Logan jumping on it so you could hear the happy shrieking that he does while he is jumping.  
Ellis likes pretending to answer his phone too.  It's so cute how he takes it off the hook of their play kitchen and holds it up to his ear as if he is really listening and talking to someone.
Fun with puzzles from Aunt Kelly!
So far this weekend we are just laying low.  I have myself a lovely little cold which is sucking any possible energy out of me, so aside from the dentist appointment I had this morning, I have no expectations of myself this weekend.  I am praying that Logan and Ellis pop these 2 year molars some day soon too.  They have been especially cranky the past few days, drooling like fools, and waking up more than normal at night.  With the lack of sleep I got Thursday night which was the beginning of me feeling like crap, oh yeah, and the fact that I jacked up our dinner tonight (leading Troy to have to go out to get something for us to eat), this is not the weekend I had planned for.  Let's hope that tomorrow (Troy's Birthday Eve) is a little better than today!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

omg, I just saw them, but they look so big all dressed up in their snow gear! I LOVE that picnic table with the umbrella too. Hope everyone is sleeping better soon and Happy Birthday Eve to Troy!!