Saturday, June 23, 2012

Saturday fun

Yesterday and today we were without daddy.  He went with fishing with a few guys up in Caseville, so it was just me and the boys.  Yesterday we had a couple visitors to keep us company, but today we had the whole day to ourselves.  We spent the morning at home playing but this afternoon we ventured out. Our first stop was Firefighters Park in Troy.  I only know about it because it is practically in Caryn's backyard, so I thought it would be fun to check out a new park.  Surprisingly, it was pretty dead.  A few kids here and there, but not a huge crowd like we usually see at Paint Creek Park.  This gave the boys plenty of time to check everything out.

Yes, they have started climbing up the stairs to play on the actual jungle gym.  Not a big deal if there were two of us to watch them (because of course they both wanted to climb), but very difficult to monitor both on my own since they both wanted to go in separate directions.  Needless to say they were NOT happy when I took them off and tried distracting them with the slide.

They loved "driving" on the fire truck.  Logan got a HUGE kick out of turning the steering wheel.  
Unfortunately the wheels didn't turn, but Logan tried every single one just to see if the next one would spin.
Of course the biggest hit was the slide.  It was a bumpy slide so after I lifted them about halfway up, they slid down, and within a few minutes, they were doing it on their own, and were so sure of themselves they that made sure I wasn't holding their hand going down.  I kept busy though, because once one of them went down, the other was trying to climb up, so I lifted him over the one that just went down....and of course when it is something they love, they want to do it over, and over, and over, and over.

Here is a pretty really bad video of Logan going down the slide.  I clearly haven't mastered how to focus my new camera for video, but Troy took my point and shoot fishing because he couldn't find his own, and this was all I had.  And of course I was holding Ellis with my right arm so he wouldn't try to climb back up the slide while Logan went down.

After the park, it was off to Target.  I had to pick up a few things, but really didn't want to tackle taking in a stroller and dealing with a cart, so I put them in the cart for the first time.  I know it probably isn't the safest thing, but Logan went in the front and Ellis chilled in the back (and no I didn't take my big camera in the store to take a picture of them in the cart, but it was so's like they thought they were on a ride or something, they just smiled and laughed...until I stopped to look at something of course).  I often wonder how old they will be before I stop getting the "oh, are they twins?" question, or the people that just tell me their stories about the twins they know.  Regardless, it was a pretty smooth trip and definitely nice to not have to worry about a stroller.

Back at home, it was practically dinner time.  After they scarfed that down, they had a pretty laid back night.  They probably would have been ready for bed at 6:30pm because they were definitely showing signs of being tired, but I'll be damned if I'm getting up before 6am because they went to bed so early.  So, it was lots of puzzles, books, and playing with their train to keep them busy.  When I was done with dishes, this is where I found Logan...(By the way, he's checking out the TV - the news was on, obviously nothing that I thought he'd have interest in!)

Tomorrow daddy will be back home and we'll hear all about his fishing stories.  Good night for now!

1 comment:

gramm said...

Quite a busy (fun) day. They ought to sleep well tonight. :)