Sunday, June 10, 2012

Another week closer.. summer vacation!  This is it.  My last week of work for this school year and boy am I excited.  I can't wait to enjoy summer with the boys now that they are old enough to enjoy it themselves.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed last summer too, but they were just too little to have their own fun.  I have lots in my mind for what I want to do (which will be a blog post in itself), but for now, its just all about getting through this week.  Lots of little activities for the 8th graders, since their 3 year middle school journey is over and tomorrow starts it off with a trip to Cedar Point.  I thought back and realized it had been almost 10 years since I've been there!  Holy crap!  I'm actually looking forward to getting on a few roller coasters myself.

Anyways, this past week was pretty quiet (which I was happy with considering the week before).  This weekend was where all the fun was!  On Friday, the Chandlers came over.  It was fun seeing the boys check Delevan out.  Soon enough, they will all be running around, playing together.  I got some of the boys baby toys out for Del to play with and they got to reminisce with those.

On Saturday, we went over to my parents house.  Mark was helping Dad install some gutters, so Nicole brought the kids over after Parker's nap and we went over there after the boys woke up from their nap.  Lots of fun playing together in the backyard after dinner.

A picture of the cousins.  Hard to get one where they are all looking at the camera, but it's the best I could do for now.  

Such a cute picture of Parker just chillin' in the grass.

A little bit of uncle-nephew love...

...and some brother-sister love

and a little bit of Ring Around the Rosies

I'm definitely looking forward to more days like yesterday!  Hopefully we can plan days like this more often!

Today, the boys got a little taste of the summer heat when the played outside in their water table.  Ellis is more of the "scoop all the water out and pour half of it on me" kind of guy, while Logan is the "splash the water as hard as you can" kind of guy.
A little bit of relaxing in our chairs before we really get crazy

Dumping water out of the water table is fun.

It's even more fun when I dump it all on myself!

I like to splash and get the water in my face!

I think it is going to be a GREAT summer...what do you think, boys?

Yup, I think they are excited too!

1 comment:

gramm said...

Love the last two pictures. It's going to be a fun summer.