Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Lesson learned

After only 2 days home with the kids, I have learned that the way I'm going to stay sane this summer is by taking them outside as MUCH as possible.  Over the weekend they started throwing these little temper tantrums, mainly Ellis, whenever someone wasn't around, right by his side.  If I walked away from him, he would follow and whine scream to get my attention.  In the kitchen making dinner, he would weasel himself between me and the counter, just screaming away.  I've read that 15 months old brings the "it's all about me" phase of their life, but why does it have to happen the first week of summer vacation?!?  They are definitely starting to test their boundaries with us and see what they can get away with.  And of course when they do something wrong and we correct them, they throw a fit - a huge screaming fit!  Lord help me if the "terrible twos" is worse than this!  So we've been trying a few methods to correct this behavior since they are obviously learning not only what they can and can't get away with, but also what reaction will give them the attention they want (screaming = no attention, being good/accepting the word no = lots of attention).  I've learned in my 9 years teaching that even negative attention is desired by some kids - attention is attention, regardless of whether it is good or bad - so although we are correcting behavior, we are trying to make it very obvious that we are going to give most of our attention to the other child who is 99% of the time, behaving much better at the time.

What I did notice between yesterday and today (and today was 10 times better than yesterday) was that whenever they were outside, they were happy as can be.  Even if I had to correct their behavior, they listened and did something else instead - no tantrums!  Something about the fresh air, I guess.  Here are a few highlights from our first 2 days at home:

While I was making some finger paints for the boys in the kitchen, I gave them a few mixing bowls and spatulas and they had fun "cooking" too!

Ellis thought it was SO funny getting in the old car seats that are in the basement.  He just kept getting in and out of them over and over, laughing the whole time!

The boys got this vacuum for Christmas, but always pushed it while it was tipped over (the handle was on the floor).  Even after they learned to walk, they still pushed it around with their butt up in the air.  Today was the first time I saw Logan use it the right way.  Keep it up big guy.  In a few years you can use the real one!

My attempt to use our homemade finger paints was a failure.  Neither Ellis nor Logan were interested.  Next time I think I'll have to hide their water table which was their biggest distraction.  We'll try again next week.

Today we spent almost 2 hours outside - in the pool, at their water table, and playing around the yard (to be followed by going back in the pool).  Once they saw the pool, they slid right in - no assistance needed!  They were not happy to go inside, but this mama needed to start dinner!  A little distraction with some books and puzzles (and a little snack to hold them over) and they were fine.

Ellis was trying so hard to keep his balance laying back against the sides of the pool.  Obviously the sides weren't sturdy enough and he kept sliding down.
I love Ellis' face as he was lifting it out of the water.  He started dipping his head in the water today and did it over an over again.  I just hope that he learns quickly to keep his mouth closed so he stops choking on the water he drinks!
Logan still loves to splash.  Bigger and bigger splashes just crack him up.  He also learned that dropping the soccer balls in the pool make a nice splash too!
I am so super excited for tomorrow.  The boys and I are going to Nicole's and we are taking the kids to the Splash Pad.  It will be their first experience there, so lets keep our fingers crossed that it's a positive one.  I'm hoping with the enjoyment they get out of playing with water in general will help!

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