Monday, January 16, 2012

Our week (or so) in review

Last week it was back to work.  Could you tell based on the lack of blog posts?  Luckily it was a pretty good week and it's even nicer that the next three weeks are only 4 day work weeks (well, 4 days a week with students).  

Here are some updates from the past week and a half:
  • We might have found a workable sippy cup.  We've bought 4 different sippy cups over the course of the past few months, trying each of them out.  Much to our dismay, they didn't seem to get how to use any of them.  We decided to try a couple of them over again and I think we've found a winner.  Of course its the biggest cup we have so it just seems too large for them, but Ellis was just chugging away on water yesterday.  Logan is a bit more skeptical, but he does keep a watchful eye on what Ellis is doing and takes a few sips here and there.

  • Their three 1 hour naps have changed to one 2 to 3 hour nap.  During my Christmas break, their naps were all over the place, but I thought maybe it was because they were waking up a bit later, and possibly because of the various wakings at night since they were sick and popping teeth left and right.  Well, now they only take 1 nap (sometimes two if the first nap is short), and it actually lasts 2-3 hours!  Wow, the things I can do with a 2 hour chunk of time!  I've actually gone in their room a couple times during naps to make see that they were still sleeping.  Sure, we have the monitor on, but it's crazy how quickly their nap schedule changed.  They have also been sleeping well at night.  This weekend, they slept about 12 hours both nights (versus 11).  Quite exciting to not wake up until the 7 o'clock hour versus 6am!  

  • Logan is up to 6 teeth now - he got another top one this past week.  I've been trying to get a picture of either of them smiling, with their teeth showing, but that's been kind of hard.  Today I got quite a cheesy smile of Logan, so it'll do for now!
Here are the bottom ones...

and here are the top...
  • Looks like it might be time to disassemble their swings too!  We've had them napping in them off and on since they were born.  Sometimes it was just easier than taking them upstairs and they tended to sleep longer in there.  Well, the last few times we put them in there, they woke up after 40-50 minutes.  I don't think they liked not being able to move or get comfortable, like they can in their crib.  Troy said today, "looks like they are growing up!"  Obviously I knew that, but it's just such a bittersweet feeling.  They play so well independently (most of the time), whereas it seems like just a few months ago I felt like I had to always sit next to them to hold a toy in front of them because they couldn't hold onto the toy themselves.  I know I say it all the time, but how time flies!  

For me, I'm keeping busy with my class I'm taking at OCC.  It's definitely a refresher for me - I've literally taught my eighth graders some of the material that I'm reviewing in the first couple chapters, but I think it's a good way to get my feet wet for the higher levels of math I'll be getting into, in the next few years.  So far 100% on the Chapter 1 quiz and 100% on my first Chapter 2 assignment!

That's all for now.  I can't believe it is already mid-January!  I'm looking forward to a much needed scrapbook weekend with my mom and sister next weekend.  Going to put together my first couple weeks of Project Life, and maybe get a page or two done of the boys first year album.  Aside from that, I'm looking forward to another easy week!


ErinWieczorek said...

Look at those teeth!! And that smile reminds me of Troys! It wasn't that long ago that I saw them and they barely had 2 teeth! Boy does the time fly.

Nicole said...

OMG, that smile! Love all the photos. Yeah for good sleep and reclaiming some space in the house after taking down the big toys. Going down to one nap is super exciting for mama's productivity too. There is so much more you can get done when you aren't scheduling the day's tasks around multiple naps. :) CANNOT wait for tomorrow and scrapping with you and mom. XO to Eli and LoLo ;)